TLS has received multiple reports of a heavy State Police presence around Lakewood today.
The officers – in both marked and unmarked vehicles – were seen shooting radar on Cedarbridge Ave and other areas around town.
The State Police comes to town periodically on the lookout for traffic violations, including seatbelt and cellphone infractions.
#fundraiser. Maybe the township should do it to solve the bussing crisis.
Headline should read: After Lakewood Board of Ed calls out Governor on busing debacle, State Police launch ticket blitz in Lakewood.
This is going to help the state pay for the bussing!
I guess thats how the state plans to pay for the continued busing…with the revenue from Lakewood tickets.
they should just patrol state roads and leave Lakewood police to do their own policing.
Just Obey The Law and you wont have a problem.
If you are talking/texting on the phone, expect a ticket.
What’s the big deal? This is an every day normal thing in Brooklyn, if you obey the laws, you don’t have to worry about being pulled over.
I’m totally masking to them giving tickets to ppl texting and driving
next time they come people should go over to each car and ask for their assistance With security on their streets and request that they stay awhile. Keep them engaged for at least a hour each. If they leave before you allow them to go report the officer for not doing his duty. Or if you see someone with a flat tire ask for their assistance. If they came here they must have done free time so let’s put them to work. Maybe they can direct traffic at broken traffic lights too.