HEARTWARMING VIDEO: Moved by the Achdus, Chiloni tells Chaim Leiby he’s Keeping Shabbos this Week in his Honor

shabbatVIDEO: After observing the singing and dancing taking place this evening at a restaurant in Eretz Yisroel, a manager and former soldier, was in awe.

“He said he never saw such unity in his life – not even in the IDF,” an attendee told TLS.

The secular Jew, who hasn’t kept Shabbos R”L in years, was so moved by what was taking place that he walked over to the crowd, and made an unexpected announcement – something which is no doubt a Zechus for Chaim Leiby, and all the other participants and coordinators of this historic trip.

“Nomally I’m not keeping Shabbat, but I’m gonna do it this Shabbat,” the man announced. The announcement was greeted by screaming and cheering as they hugged the man and began dancing to the song of “Am Yisrael Chai.”

“This Shabbat, and I hope, B’ezrat Hashem the Shabbat after, but this Shabbt forsure, in Zechut for you,” the Chiloni told Chaim Leiby.

The man then put on a Yarmuka, and made a Bracha on a glass of wine.

Mi K’acmcha Yisroel.


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  1. How true are the words of the mishna in the 4th perek of pirkei avos; “shemitzvah goireres mitzvah”
    How this collective mitzvah of unprecedented chesed done by a group of tzadikim is taking on a life of its own and are now warming yiddishe neshomos.

  2. Wow. Beauty story. Do we need to call him “chiloni” ? You could’ve asked for his name or just him R’ Ploni. Great story, either way.

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