A hearing for imprisoned U.S. citizen Jacob Ostreicher is scheduled for Monday, July 23, Ostreicher’s daughter tells TLS. The scheduled hearing comes after multiple other hearings whichwere scheduled for Ostreicher but were postponed for one reason or another.
Earlier last month, Congressman Chris Smith flew down to Bolivia to attend a scheduled hearing with Ostreicher, but that hearing was also postponed as the Judge was asked to recuse himself from the case. (See statement from Smith here).
Jacob Ostreicher, a resident of New York, has been imprisoned for over a year with no charges ever filed against him.
A filed White House petition which gained over 35,000 signatures, was weakly responded to last week.
Monday’s hearing is scheduled for 5PM. TLS.
we should point the finger at obama. maybe mitt romeny should be notified about obama’s weak response
during the 9days. . . Nebach
I try to daven every day that he should be free and that the right shliach should be sent to make that happen. Lets all daven that this hearing be the last and final one that brings home to his family and may he continue to be healthy.
this just doesn’t make any sense to me.I don’t get it. why and how can an american ( or anyone for that matter) be imprisoned abroad without any charges brought against him? sounds like there’s missing information regarding this whole situation. I can’t even begin to imagine what the family must be going through, not to mention Ostreicher himself.
Response to: reader comment, July 22, 2012 at 10:00 pm
Bolivia is one of the worst countries for a Yid to be incarcerated.
The main industry there is growing and refining coca leaves. It’s closest
Allies are Venezuela and Cuba. It brutalizes & represses it’s own
The way things get done is by payoffs. The goverment manipulates
the judges as is evidenced by 15 cancelled hearings for Jacob.
The president of Bolivia is known for being irresponsible & corrupt.
Luckily, Bolivia re-signed a mutual cooperation agreement w/ the Us
this year. It has gotten over 2 billion in aid from the USA.
This can be used as leverage to help free Jacob.
very scary!!
Update: Bolivia is not a country noted for it’s ahavas yisroel or Israel.
Including the latest hearing a week ago, there are now 22 or 23 cancelled hearings for Jacob. This is truly outrageous.
“Achenu kol bais yisroel, hanesunim batzoro u’bashivyo, ho’imdim bein bayom u’vain bayabosho, hamokoim yerachem alai’hem v’yoitziam mitzoro lir’vocoho, u’meafeilo lo’oiro u’mishibud ligulo, hashto b’agolo u’vizman koroiv, v’noimar omain!
It seems the “machla” of keeping prisoners
In jail without trial, is endemic to South America.
The twisted reasoning behind this is that
A government needs time to gather evidence.
If let free, the accused could run away. So
Better to lock them in jail.