PHOTOS: A hearing for the application of Community Development Block Grant funds was held at the Township Municipal Auditorium this evening. The committee heard from the 23 organizations applying this year to receive a part of the federal grant.
Those who qualify, will be notified in about a week, Director Ervin Oross Jr. says.
The CDBG funds allocated for Lakewood this year is $873,048, a slight increase from last year.
There are strict guidelines for the funds, and at least 15% must be earmarked for public sector services.
Some of the organizations applying this year were Catholic Charities Emergency Service, Chaveirim, Ocean County Hunger Relief, Tomchei Shabbos, Omega 13, LCSW and others.
In December last year, 25 organizations were approved to receive funds. TLS.
Uri Halle!!!!! such a tzadik!
Kudos on a job well done Uri.
Your professionalism and manner are something we all can learn from. I be take home some lessons myself this evening.
Uri way to go!
whar are the names of the members that are in the picture?
Only 3 of the 9 CDBG committee members attended?!
Why was LCSW there what expenses do they have
Mark siegal! was also there awsome fellow