Open Enrollment for private health insurance for 2022 is from November 1, 2021, until January 31, 2022.
You must enroll in a plan by December 31 to begin coverage on January 1. If you miss Open Enrollment, you will most likely not be able to get a private health insurance plan at any point during 2022– even from an insurance broker.
To sign up for an appointment to get free help from a LRRC Navigator with applying for a subsidized private health insurance plan through the State-Based Exchange called Get Covered NJ, visit, follow the instructions there, and an LRRC representative will contact you to schedule an appointment. If you need help determining the answer to any of the questions, schedule an appointment through the LRRC automated scheduling system by calling 732-523-1789 or e-mail [email protected].
To learn more about subsidized private health insurance plans and Get Covered New Jersey, you can read the LRRC brochure here: Covered
[Press Release]
LRRC needs to spend some of the Millions it got [Public Record] on
“Community Help”.
We get these morsels…
A Bad investment on the part of Government.
Jack is going to win. VOTE FOR THE WINNER.!!