It’s been a week (and probably more) of out of control eating, or at least eating a lot of things that we should not have eaten. Perhaps you are starting to feel like it’s time to get on track. You are ready to make a concerted effort to lose that paunch that is causing you to buy new and bigger clothes every few weeks.
Let’s take a quick review on some of the fundamentals that will hopefully get you on your way.
Know your friends/know your enemies:
Water, vegetables, and fruits are your friends.
Water is the essential ingredient in any healthy eating plan. A minimum of 8-10 cups of water per day is needed to hydrate yourself properly. Proper hydration leads to proper cell function which allows your “machine” – your body- to function properly.
Helpful tip: make sure you drink at least 2 cups of water every time you eat anything. This will fill you up and guarantee that you achieve your goal of 8-10 cups of water daily.
Veggies and fruits are high density low calorie foods filled with nutrients and water, helping you feel full with less calories and giving you the essential nutrients you need for your body to operate properly.
You can eat as much fruit and vegetables as you like – add a little low sugar dressing to spice up your vegetable/salad and make this the majority of your daily food intake.
Helpful tip: make sure that no matter what happens you eat at least one serving of fruit and one serving of vegetables per meal, This will fill you up, leaving less room for “unhealthy” or less healthy foods( for those who have worked with me, you would know this concept as “crowding out”).
White flour, processed foods, white potatoes and sweeteners are your enemies.
Your body converts all of the items listed above into fat. Unlike healthy oils and healthy fats, which are essential to healthy eating, this is the type of fat that you want to avoid so limit and/or avoid how much you eat of these items.
Helpful tip: tend toward lean proteins and when you feel the need for carbs, pick whole grain such as brown rice, quinoa, barley and oatmeal. Remember: the closer it is to its natural state, the better.
Lean proteins, natural carbs and healthy fats are your acquaintances:
Lean proteins, natural carbs and healthy fats are really essential and an important part of your diet but unlike very good friends, too much of them is not good either, and you need to strike the right balance.
Exercise and sleep will always be your best friends.
Include some sort of exercise program along with getting enough sleep and avoid eating late at night and you a will be well on your way to a healthier and slimmer you.
Last but not least, give it TIME! There is no magic pill or system to snap your fingers and expect to lose the weight that you have been piling on for months and maybe years. Give yourself several months to stick to a program and you will be amazed at the results!
Ezi Levi is a certified health and diet coach and is the director of the Men’s Weight Loss Center. The center works with men and teenage boys who are committed to losing weight in a safe and natural way by learning how to make healthier choices in their primary and secondary foods. To find out more or to schedule a free, no obligation health consultation please call (732) 903-4129 or Email at [email protected]