If you care to help make a difference in Lakewood traffic, here’s your chance to do so.
Maser Consulting will be holding a Traffic Relief Workshop in Lakewood, where residents will have the opportunity to meet their team of traffic engineers, and you will have the opportunity to collaborate with them on solutions, ideas, and opportunities to help alleviate our traffic problems.
The event will take place at the Municipal auditorium on Wednesday, March 15th, at 7pm.
Here is an easy way to help in the meantime:
Open Waze every time you drive for the next two weeks (no need to insert destination).
It automatically detects the traffic conditions on the roads you drive and sends it anonymously to the Waze servers.
With the Waze Partners Help program, the consultants and any other traffic study body, could then retrieve all that traffic data on the Waze Feed for further analysis by day, time, etc.
Waze is great but not for Lakewood. Waze cannot make the traffic go away. It just pushes it around town. You just can’t fit two-dozen eggs in a dozen box.
Your response is pathetic, Mr. NWW. Wazard was suggesting that you keep Waze open so that Waze can kee track of traffic around Lakewood and keep data of same. He was not suggesting that you use Waze.
Your analogy to egg cartons (who calls it an egg box?) is cute but likewise pathetic.
Clifton ave 1 way northbound from Main St. Lexington 1 way southbound to Main. Connect Vine and Vermont all the way through. Hopefully the state get cracking on Rt. 9 ASAP.
There is plenty more you can do to help the traffic situation. Get informed of your rights, halachic and legal. Show up to stop irresponsible growth at the Planning committee meetings. Do not allow yourself to be fooled by many worded few substances articles.
Here is real the problem . Route 9 need 2 lanes both sides. Then better spewd limit and cops in route mint more often. I am sure traffic flow will improve. We need stricker police on efforts.
Correction: we need 2 lanes on both side of route 9. We need stricken police efforts on us rt 9. We need better police efforts in town.
Put down the phone and pay attention to traffic. Stop making left hand turns from the right lane around cars that are in line to make a left. Most of all patience and courtesy goes a long way with your fellow drivers.
stay focused on the roads, no talking on phone or eating!
Go back to horse and buggy. It’s a waste of money to do a trafic study.
Intersection of chestnut and New Hampshire needs a left turning light.
And police should enforce “don’t block the box”
What good is a traffic engineer? We need a building stoppage and a plan to fix the infrastructure. Roads first then housing…. Problem solved!!!
Well said by “jess” & “yashrus” – FACT is, the amount of traffic that piles up is largely & primarily due to countless drivers being occupied (as if that’s all there is too life, while jeopardizing everyone else’s around you) with talking or texting (btw, holding phone larger than the average hand, up to your mouth on window side or other, doesn’t make it any better) is a cost of anywhere from 5 to 15 seconds resulting in 3-5 cars being held back, tripling traffic behind you.
Wow! Pathetic. You’re so up front and personal. And offensive. You picked a good name for yourself. Learn how to communicate like a mature human being. You know, a mentsch. BTW my in-laws call them “egg boxes”. That’s their business, http://www.eggboxes.com/.
Open Williams street all the way to cross; Open vine from Oak to Pine. Open Powderhorn to Prospect. Use Eminent Domain.
The streets which were vacated need to be take back!
As for planning, R12 should not be turned into duplexes, and the map should be scrutinized to ensure that the zoning will not be high density, even if this means changing designations to build fewer houses.
Also, the certified letters notifying you are a nuisance to pick up from the post office; they should be regular mail. Most people work. We should be able to write in to give our opinions and votes. There can be an absentee type ballot or an app that lets you vote, for which you would have to register.
Most people cannot sit at 6:00 township meetings, after they have a day of work, and it is supper time or homework time or learning time. Often that item doesn’t get to the top of the agenda, and people have to come back. It doesn’t make sense, and that is why so many of these projects with variances are pushed through, to our detriment.