Hatzolah Urges Pedestrians walking on Streets to Wear Reflectors

imageDue to the fact that many sidewalks are covered in snow, many pedestrians are being forced to walk on the roads, causing many close calls – especially from sliding vehicles.

In response, Hatzolah is urging pedestrians to wear reflectors while walking.

“Drivers can’t see them,” a Hatzolah member said.

Pedestrians also need to bear in mind that driving area on the roads are much narrower because of the snow.

There was at least one pedestrian struck since the storm hit, though he wasn’t seriously injured.

As earlier reported, property owners are required by law to plow their sidewalks.


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    you can’t be more careful drivers are having a hard enough time navigating the snow ice and potholes don’t become a speed bump

  2. Will tomorrow Tuesday have regular Tuesday garbage?
    Or will they do Monday pickup?
    They should announce something instead of everyone having their garbage cans out,blocking the plows and cars.

  3. what I saw today was freighting a ADULT male was walking along Madison ave ON TOP of a snow bank one little slip he would have landed on route 9 !!! day or night that’s outright dumb !!

  4. it is dangerous not to shovel out your sidewalk, besides it being the law. why am i the only one on my block who does so every single storm??? its frightening to have narrow, slippery, icy roads shared by cars and pedestrians that have no where else to walk. why doesnt the township ticket to enforce????

  5. “We shovel” We actually shoveled as well. It’s a tragedy waiting to happen. And chv”s it does we will have an asifa about tznius.

    You were all off for a day or two, you found the time to clean and reclean your driveway. For common decency you have no time?

    Sadly, when I walk around I see the proud proclamation of “I am selfish” wherever I turn!!

    Thanks to the individuals that did care enough to clean their walkways.

  6. Glad to see at least a couple of menchlike people in Lakewood. how difficult is it for a young healthy person to shovel snow off his sidewalk immediately after a storm, before it turns to ice, and before worrying about getting his car out. This Tuesday morning, I watched from my office window, struggling parents walking on Monmouth with the traffic holding on small kinderlach because there is no sidewalk to walk on. Frightening scene and inexcusable. There should be an outcry from the top to bring this to everyone’s attention.

  7. These are good points. No one should forget as part of a member of society and community to try your utmost to clear your sidewalks. There many good excuses but things would look different if it was everybody’s dirt priority.

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