Hatzolah To Inaugurate The Dovid Levin Ambulance In Memory Of The Late Member

A new Hatzolah Ambulance will be named the ‘Dovid Levin Ambulance’, in memory of the late Hatzolah member R’ Dovid Levin Z’L. R’ Dovid, one of the first Hatzolah members of Lakewood, was Niftar earlier this year at the age of 53, following a lengthy illness. In order to perpetuate his memory, Hatzolah will be renaming the new Ambulance with funds raised through an upcoming reception.

The reception will be taking place this Motzei Shabbos at the Levin residence, 952 West Kennedy Boulevard.

The Dovid Levin Ambulance will replace a 15 year old Ambulance which broke down last month enroute to the Hospital.

To take part in purchasing this new Ambulance, you can donate ONLINE HERE.

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  1. What a great idea to remember a great person who was zoche to raise a super, phenomenal family. I hope the oilam shows up in droves to help out B’ruach U’b’geshem, if u know what I mean. See u there, dudi B.

  2. what a z’chus for his hieliga neshama

    he was besides a tzadik & baal chesed.. a TREMENDOUS talmid chochom & masmid

    may the new ambulance be used only to deliver simchas (to/at the hospital!)

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