Hatzolah of Central Jersey Hosts Brig. Gen. Dror Avda of Israel National Police for Tour and Collaboration Discussions [PHOTOS]

Hatzolah of Central Jersey welcomed Brigadier General Dror Avda, the Israel National Police & Ministry of Public Security Attaché and Liaison Officer to the United States and Canada, for discussions and an official tour of its headquarters on Thursday. The visit was led by Hatzolah CEO Meelich Esterzohn, with Ocean County Sheriff Michael Mastronardy accompanying the tour.

The tour included an in-depth look at Hatzolah’s state-of-the-art dispatch room, ambulance bays, and the advanced technology that supports its life saving operations. With Hatzolah of Central Jersey on track to respond to over 25,000 emergency calls in 2024, Brig. Gen. Avda came away deeply impressed by the scope of Hatzolah’s operations and unwavering dedication to service.

“I am truly amazed by what I have seen here at Hatzolah of Central Jersey,” said Brig. Gen. Avda. “The level of professionalism and the commitment to providing the best possible emergency medical care is extraordinary.”

During the visit, discussions were held regarding potential collaborations between Hatzolah of Central Jersey and Israel National Police, particularly in the areas of mass casualty incident (MCI) training and other emergency preparedness initiatives.

“We were honored to host Brig. Gen. Avda and to share with him the work that Hatzolah is doing in our community,” said Hatzolah CEO Meilech Esterzohn. “His visit opens the door for exciting opportunities to learn from each other and improve how we respond to critical incidents, ensuring that our communities remain as safe as possible.”

Brig. Gen. Avda also took the time to commend Sheriff Mastronardy for his bravery and solidarity following the devastating terrorist attacks in Israel on October 7.

“Sheriff Mastronardy was one of the first U.S. officials to visit Israel following the horrific terrorist attacks of October 7,” Avda noted. “While others hesitated out of fear, Sheriff Mastronardy stood resolute and made the journey to Israel, offering solidarity and support when it was needed most. His courage and dedication did not go unnoticed.”

Additionally, Avda expressed deep appreciation for Hatzolah of Central Jersey’s direct contributions to Israel’s emergency services in the aftermath of the Hamas attacks. Three of Hatzolah’s paramedics were deployed to Israel just days after the incident to assist and complement Israeli emergency teams on the ground.

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  1. please explain to him that we do not appreciate the reports, pictures and videos of our boys getting shoved around by his buddies when all we are asking for is to leave them alone and allow them to just sit and learn and only learn during those vital growth years of 17-24.

    why did he only go to the dispatch center? let him visit our summer camps full of boys sitting and learning! let him first understand himself and then also give back over to them there that one cannot learn well if he is not treated well, one cannot be totally involved in learning if he is being burdened with other responsibilities!

    nothing is more important than Torah!

    • Hatzolah CJ (AKA Lakewood) is the official community hatzolah endorsed by all Rabonim.
      This confusion is another reason this other fake organization (established for the only reason to help boost some nebach cases’ bruised egos) is so dangerous!! So many people have no clue and can call these crazies thinking they are getting regular Hatzolah services.

  2. Why is this not endorsed by rabbonim? Besides the facts that it seems that you all got it wrong. They are showing off Hatzolah of CJ they are not promoting jewdiasim if they were they woud show off the lakewood mosdos first, but that is not the case. No-one is being pusged around. Instead of being negative be positive and look at the kiddush hashem that was made.

    • the real kiddush Hashem is that they should leave the yeshivas in Eretz Yisroel intact and not send them notices in the mail, not bother them, and of course restore the respect and financial support for their learning, we all know that there is plenty of money over there for sure enough to support the yeshivas, and it is totally inconsiderate to economically pinch the yeshiva students.

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