Hatzolah Inaugurates The ‘Dovid Levin Ambulance’ – Dedication Opportunities Available

PHOTOS & VIDEO: Hatzolah inaugurated the ‘Dovid Levin Ambulance’ this past Motzei Shabbos, to perpetuate the memory of one of their own, the late R’ Dovid Levin Z’L. Speakers at the event – hosted by the Levin family – included R’ Shaya Tesser – one of the founding members of the organization – Reb Dovid Trenk Shlita, and R’ Moshe Elchonon Levin, son of R’ Dovid Z’L.

Following the speeches, R’ Moshe Elchonon accepted a plaque from Hatzolah, presented by Hatzolah’s Director of Development R’ Avrohom Waxman.

The new Ambulance, which Hatzolah intends to purchase in the near future to replace a disabled one, is expected to cost approximately $150,000, R’ Waxman says.

Dedications – which will include a plaque on the Ambulance – are available by calling 732-363-5600.

Contributions for the Ambulance can also be made online by CLICKING HERE.

Photos & Video by MOFOTO.

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