Hatzolah & Gourmet Glatt Team up to Raffle off Horse Transportation around Lakewood this Purim

purim-lkwd-15-tls[COMMUNICATED] Pony up some cash, and help a good cause,
When you’re being led around Lakewood by Haman,
you’re sure to get applause.
They say don’t look a gift horse in the mouth
and this prize is the same.
You whinny some and some you lose,
But please don’t tie the reigns around Haman as a noose.
Whether you’re a seasoned rider, or just a beginner,
We don’t discriminate, you can still be the winner.
You’ll dress up like a a king and all of Lakewood will know your name,
Your daughter can even take a pail of garbage and put Haman to shame.
You weren’t born in a barn—neigh!
So buy a ticket and help Hatzolah save lives this Purim day.
We could keep screaming why you should donate, but we don’t want to get hoarse,
Saddle up for Purim safety, cowboys-
And remember that designated drivers you should enforce.
Yes, you may have guessed it, Gourmet Glatt and Hatzolah have teamed up to bring you this amazing raffle!
The winner will have Haman (someone dressed as Haman, not the real thing, that would be too dangerous) lead him around
Lakewood on a horse this Purim! (Sorry, the bigday malchus are not included.)

hatzolahpurimrafflead-page-001Hatzolah reminds everyone to keep safe this Purim!

You do not want to pass up on this amazing raffle, so donate now!
Enter at PurimRaffle.com or at any checkout lane in the amazing Gourmet Glatt of Lakewood.

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