Hatzolah Gets New Communications System With Hi-Tech Tracking System

hatz royalFIRST REPORT: Saving lives is their number one priority, and in an effort to continue doing so in the most efficient way, Hatzolah of Lakewood will be upgrading their communication systems with cutting-edge technology. TLS has learned that Lakewood Hatzolah is now in the testing stages of a new communications system which will not only improve its radio coverage, but will also feature a top-of-the line GPS tracking system.

As Lakewood continues to grow in leaps and bounds, it’s difficult for members and dispatchers to keep up with the new street names and developments, an issue the new tracking system will resolve.

hatz new dispatch system tlsThe Hi-tech- Computer Assisted System, designed by a NY-Based computer company – and similar to the system used by Hatzolah of New York – will serve as a tremendous asset to the Hatzolah dispatchers, as well as members.

In many instances, callers are in a panic when calling for help and hang up before the dispatcher can get an exact location of an incident.

With the new system, when a call is placed to Hatzolah, the system will automatically provide the dispatcher with the name, address, an exact location of the caller with cross-streets and a map. This will enable the dispatcher to accelerate the response time in emergency situations where every second counts.

Once the dispatcher has the information needed, the dispatcher can then – if necessary – be in direct contact with the available members with appropriate equipment, by the system providing the members’ location and availability. Additionally, the system can provide the responding members with all the information via a text message.

The new system will also give Hatzolah a new and expanded range for their radio-communication.

A key factor in minimizing the response time to a call, is by avoiding a dispatcher having to repeat an address due to reception interference or poor coverage in certain areas, such as steel school buildings.

The new system is expected to be fully operation in the coming months. TLS.

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  1. This sounds like E911 that many municipal 911 systems currently use to track the location of the caller. Will hatzolah also be tied into cell network to harness GPS of cell phone callera to know the location, or is this for landline location only?

  2. Wow, now this is a pure example of using the worlds technology for the good of klal yisrael. Chazak V’Ematz Hatzolah- as the saying goes- don’t wait to take out your check book!

  3. Kudos to R’ Avrohom Waxman whose tireless efforts on behalf of Hatzolah enables them to be on the cutting edge of technology and improve their service to the community!

  4. Rabbi Waxman is the fund raiser. He raises the funds. The ones who actually ‘ make it happen are the members and technical guys’ There are very active Hatzolah volunteers and dispatcherswho actually work on it daily and worked on this system for many years until they got the right one. Don’t forget all if the Hatzolah dispatchers who have to train for many hours before they can use the system.

  5. Like number one asked, will this work for cellphones as well (I don’t think police can see instantainiusly where a cell phone caller is either)

  6. Kudos as well to the Raintree community for hosting a parlor meeting in order to help raise funds for this new communications system. It was a real inspiration to see the massive turnout as well as the generous contributions which now enabled Hatzoloh to buy this new system.

  7. stop with asking for more members do you understand that you can’t just pick up a person that happens to be wearing a white or blue shirt and a jacket and put him in place to save a person

  8. Mr Chaim.Inside scoop might have an agenda but he is still right.Mr.Waxman is strictly a fund raiser (and a very good one).But credit for the research and implementing this system goes mainly to Simcha &Avrom Moshe the Dispatch committee and Mr. Senderovitz . The vaad just OKays or nixes an upgrade. Now that we gave credit ,we know who to blame if this is a fail-yer and waste of money.

    PS when is hatzolah gonna put me on???

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