Hatzalah of Newark, NJ, tells TLS they are set to begin operating soon, are looking for volunteers and first responders.
“Newark, and the surrounding towns, has many Jewish owned businesses, and employs a few thousand Frum people,” the organization told TLS. “The need has arisen to establish a division of Hatzalah in Newark to serve this community.”
For an application and dedication opportunities, please email: [email protected]
Didn’t know yidden live in Newark
what is the phone # if someone chos v’shalom needs to call?
To #1 the article says yidden working there not living there. But there are a few yidden that actually live there as well.
Tizku lemitzvos for the one behind this, I know u put in a lot of effort to get it started. May hashem bench u with Kol tov, And may other Yiddish neighborhoods imitate this trend. Hope u guys r only needed for simchas.
I have gotten into an accident there and there was no one to call beside for 911 a Hatzolah there will be great
and very helpful!
Hatzolah of North Jersey- (the first of the two hatzolah divisions in Passaic/Clifton) – would cover that area if called, obviously their response time would be reflected on their distance.
hatzlacha rabba! with thousands of yiddin working in the area definitly a huge need
Again Newark 1 at the work for the klal. Never ending chesed machine. May hashem grant you much success
If hypothetically i am in Monsey NY but do not know Hatzalah’s phone number can i call Lakewood Hatzalah and will they transfer me?
Dr Nathan Zemel is the founder and leading force behind this he invested 1000’s of hours and tens of thousands of dollars to make this a reality! Yasher kochacha dr Zemel !!
Your a true oseik btzorchei tzibur!
NZ. Your chesed is endless. You have a very special heart. You are a true godol hador in chesed!! May you and your family always continue to be on the giving end.
Newark is a sad , sad story.
Newark used to be a community that was bigger than Lakewood and were chased out due to riots similar to Baltimore
You can still see old Shuls transformed to churches or museums.
There are still many yidden in Newark
IDT, the care industry , the financial district and many factories that are still there
There’s even a yeshiva there
And many yidden go to college there
Dr Z is an absolute tzaddik as we all know. Tizku L’mitzvos, Doc! !!