HATE IN HOWELL: “Jew Lot” spray-painted in Jewish-owned parking lot in Howell

Employees at a Jewish-owned Howell business were shocked to find their parking lot spray-painted with the words ‘Jew Lot’.

An employee tells TLS the incident happened sometime over the weekend.

The ADL was notified about the incident.

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  1. Maybe that guy hates us a drop.
    I think the real deal is that this guy is super unhappy, very depressed, unemployed and looking for attention.

  2. As the market gets scarier and scarier
    With small houses selling with major rip off prices and bidding wars , I’m starting to realise why an old lady like me can’t afford a house here. My poor kids have to see me having a nervous breakdown
    Too often that we have to move every few years but really a yid is better off not being too settled in this galus and this is just a ‘friendly’ reminder that nj is not a permanent place for us.

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