Hasagot Open House Huge Success – Last Chance To Sign Up

c[COMMUNICATED – PHOTOS] Last week’s Hasagot open house for the Steven Covey course in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was a huge success.

The event was a sneak peek of the 5 session course being offered by Rabbi Yaakov Nussbaum, certified facilitator from the Franklin Covey Institute and a veteran of the self-help and personal development field.

Rabbi Nussbaum has helped countless C level executives, managers, community leaders, activists and more, through his expertise and understanding of Steven Covey’s teachings. He demonstrated how the 7 Habits are the stepping stones to effectiveness, success and getting the most out of your life.

The course forces you to think about the results you want to get in your life; whether it is being more organized, revitalizing a
relationship, earning your boss’ trust, or finding your work-life balance. The point is to become more effective in the areas that matter most in your work and personal life, and get results in a way that allow you to continue to get even better results in
the future.

The participants walked out energized, anticipating a transformational experience being immersed in The 7 Habits. One participant even enthusiastically exclaimed that he must bring this course to his friends back in the office.

The 5 session course is beginning this coming Wednesday, January 6th

Only 2 days left to register!

Sessions will be held at The Lakewood Hilton on Route 70.

There are limited slots left for this once in a lifetime opportunity!

For more information, contact Hasagot at 732.903.2122, visit Hasagot.com or email [email protected].


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  1. As a former participant /graduate from Rabbi Y. Nussbaum course (another course), I can say it is worth attending!
    He can and will get you to that next level.
    He gets the participants involved and it`s productive and at the same time enjoyable.
    Good Luck!

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