Harav Shteinman Shlita May Soon Come To America With New Mir Rosh Hayeshivah

PHOTO: Harav Shteinman Shlita may soon be coming to America, sources say. The Gadol last night went to be Menachem Aval the Finkel family and the new Rosh Yehsivah, where they discussed the dire finanical situation of the Yeshivah.

An option which was discussed at the Nichum Aveilim, was that Harav Shteinman Shlita would travel to America together with the new Rosh Yeshivah, Harav Lazer Yudel Finkel Shlita, to collect the much needed funds.

Harav Shteinman last visited Lakewood last Summer. News Breakers/Photo-TLS.

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  1. יחי מרן רבינו ראש הישיבה שליט”א
    ובזה רואים גדלות של מרן רבינו רב שטיינמאן שליט”א
    שמטריח עצמו בעד הכלל והפרט

  2. Maybe if the oilam in the usa and europe all send and pledge over the year..r steinman shlita and new RY can sit and learn..that wouls be a tremendous nachas ruach to r nosson zvi zetzal…raboissai agree?

  3. Another way to look at it is that the Ribino Shel Oilam wants Rav Shteinman to come to America to be mechazek the oilam.

    So he put the Mir into debt so that he should come.

    Maybe the nachas ruach for R’ Nosson Tzvi zatzal is that Rav Shteinman is coming to be mechazek America.

  4. #2 & #3

    Its not for us to KLEHR why the Riboina Shel Oilum does things, just for us to do whats right & let Him run His world how He wants. If your’e not sure whats right then ask Daas Torah. That Simple!!!

  5. Dear YID so ur saying that since the oilom needs chizuk Hashem put the mir into debt, and ‘took back’ the Rosh Yeshiva all so R Shteinman has a reason to come to america???

  6. The 2 other Rabbis are Carlebach and Levovitz – both in the Mir Yeshiva and both very dedicated to the yeshiva.

    What has to be done is simple. A donating website with the goal clearly market should be set up. Then alumni and others should be directed to that website. Each one give what he can and pooof! No more debt. I am a genius!!!! Ignoring the existence of the internet is both foolish and dangerous.

  7. he would have to come to raise the much needed funds
    making a phone call isn’t enough !
    abd look the last time reb nosson tzvi came he went back with a broken heart because very few people gave him anything !

    #7 i agree with you but most of them cant afford the basics in today’s economy ! so how can they make a pledge !

  8. No, I’m saying that we have no clue what the Ribono Shel Oilam wants from us. We also have no clue what would give a nachas ruach to R’ Noson Tzvi.

    I was responding to someone else who said that it would give R’ Noson Tzvi a nachas ruach if we would all donate to the Mir so that Rav Shteinman didn’t have to come to America. To that I responded, that maybe it would give R’ Noson Tzvi a nachas ruach if Rav Shteinman WOULD come to America.

    We have no clue.

    What #2 should have said instead was that we should donate so that Rav Shteinman shouldn’t have to come to America. Leave R’ Noson Tzvi’s nachas ruach out of this.

  9. If your loaded can you post your name there are a litle of people that nead tadaka enyways hashem doesnt want you to brag that your loaded he wants you to luce a comfterble life and give a por of tadaka thats the nisoyon of haveing money Its a test for you so Lets see if your gana pass it

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