TEHILLIM: Hagaon Harav Chaim Pinchos Sheinberg Shlita, the elder of the Roshei Hayeshiva is in very critical condition today in Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim. Please take a moment to be Mispallel for the 101 year old Rav – Chaim Pinchos Ben Yosefa.
The Rav was admitted to the Hospital shortly before Shabbos, and his condition has since deteriorated.
WHAT ARE WE ALL WAITING FOR? has klal yisroel gotten the message from Hashem-waiting for us to start doing teshuva-have YOU done anything yet? how many more tragedies & Tzaddikim will it take C”V before we wake up & start doing teshuva? OVER 80 GEDOLEI HADOR have passed away within the past year R”L. HOW MANY MORE DO WE NEED TO LOSE C”V to let hashem know that we get the message for klal yisroel to start doing teshuva ASAP?
Someone sent me this…
The following was related to Rabbi Uri Silver (my close friend and a rebbi at Rabbi Senter’s yeshiva) by Rebbitzin Wolbe on February 29th 2012.
Three months earlier Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe (author of the Alei Shor and the leading Mashgiach of the last generation) appeared in a dream to his granddaughter. He was very excited and animated – which she mentioned was uncharacteristic for Rav Wolbe who always spoke in a very controlled and measured manner. He was speaking very quickly and was looking upwards (also uncharacteristic) and he said that Mashiach is ready to come, if people would be “concerned for their friends like they are concerned for themselves” then Mashiach will come immediately.
Rebbetizin Wolbe mentioned that it is a mitzva to publicize this dream!
I agree that it’s very important to do teshuva, but pointing to a 101 year old in critical condition as a sign that Hashem is telling us to do teshuva is a little strange. Are gedolim supposed to live forever?
Just to clarify my comment above, of course we are all davening for the Rosh Yeshiva to have a refua shelema and hopefully he will fully recover and live to 120+, but unless you’re a navi how can you point to this as a clear sign for klal yisroel to do teshuva?
No, me and my neighboorhood are going to do teshuva right now because of yaakov.
Thank you yakov for posting this on LakewoodScoop.
No, but every minute longer they live on this world is a Zchus for us & is a protection for us in some way! If he could live another year or two or longer due to our Teshuva & we dont do anything about it we will be accountable for that! What you are saying stems from Ki Bisrirus Libi Ailaich & that is a grave sin with terrible concenquences! Heard bshaim an Adam Gadol.
his name for tehillim is Chaim Pinchos ben YOSPE, (NOT YOSEFA)
please. How could there be EIGHTY gedolei hador that passed away in the last year? is every beard a gadol hador? why cheapen the stature of those who really merit such a title? we are only going to teach our children that these honorifics are meaningless and they will lose respect for the concept of leadership, let alone the leaders themselves. Rav Scheinberg doesn’t need our hachtara, only our tefillos. Must we sensationalize the need? if Mashiach doesnt come but we davened well, should we be let down?
#2 Goldy – just curious how Rabbi Uri Silver would be your ‘best friend’? Now I could be missing the boat – so just correct me if I did in fact miss the boat.
must we mention how old these senior gedolim are? I always feel it’s an ayin horah and you see it brings on all these ridiculous comments about gedolim living forever!
No, it’s Yosefa, check with the family
Goldy wrote that someone sent her the following…
to COOL MASMID…look at the first four words of my posting..i wrote
Someone sent me this….
to #7 EIGHTY
look for yourself in the yated of 2 weeks ago the list of all these gedolei hador that passed away recently R”L due to klal yisroel letting it happen & not doing anything about it
If you need any indication as to why we are just spinning our wheels and getting nowhere in this Galus despite all the Torah being learned all around the world….Goldy had a beautiful thought from Rav Volbe zt”l and all you could comment on was how it’s possible for her to be friends with a Rabbi???!!!! What’s the difference? Why are you judging her? Who cares? Take the lesson and the point that she gave over and try to do something about it. Or don’t. But be dan everyone lkaf zechus. It’s fundamental. I am hoping that no one is judging your wasting away your time online either.
it is ben *YUSPA*
please correct this asap!!
May we only hear besuros tovos! Bkarov!
I started to lite an xtra shabbos candle for all the cholim in the world gd willing they will have a refuah
i just heard that this great gadol was niftar—bde—
BDE… We need to wake up NOW
Just in a little while ago rav sheinberg was niftar bde
Bd”E. R’ Scheinberg was niftar today. May he be a mailitz yosher on our Dor Yasom.