Shela-He members were zoche to get a bracha from Harav Hagaon ‘R Moshe Sternbuch shlita over Pesach. He personally davened for each member. In the zechus of their generosity and Ahavas haTorah may Hashem bentch them with an overflow of Bracha and Hatzlacha.
Sefira is a time to reflect on relationships.
There are different kinds of partnerships. Sometimes you are on the giving end and other times you are the one receiving. Yet with supporting Torah it’s a whole different relationship. You are benefiting as a receiver just as much as you are as a giver-if not more.
The Chafetz Chaim says that one who supports Torah will not only get schar in this world but will actually receive the Torah he supported in the next world. If people would internalize this, they would be running their entire lives to support Torah. Not only do you get the schar of supporting Torah but you also get an actual chelek in their learning.
Shela-He, a project of Kupas Yom Tov, was founded with that goal. To enable ladies and girls to have a chelek and connection to Torah on a personal level. Each day! By signing up and becoming a member you will partner in the Zechus of the Lomdei Torah and acquire a true connection.
Your $1 every day is going directly to support Talmedei Chachamim who uphold the world!