URGENT: [UPDATED] [PHOTOS & VIDEOS of T’fillos] The Tzibur is urged to take a moment to be Mispallel for one of the Gedolei Hador, Harav Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha, Rav Elyashiv, who is serious condition this afternoon in Eretz Yisoel.
Sources close to the Gadol say the Rav’s condition has deteriorated in the last hour and is now is critical.
Tehillim is currently being recited for the Gadol in various Yeshivos around Eretz Yisroel. TLS/NB.
UPDATE 3:08 PM The Rav remains at serious, but stable condition at this time.
PHOTOS of T’fillos at the Kosel. Credits: Vromie Mutterperl.
VIDEO of T’fillos by the Kosel. Credit:YWN.
VIDEO of T’fillos in the MIR. Credits: YWN.
Strange because Theyeshivaworld.com is not making it nearly as serious as TLS is.
Anything at his age bla’h is serious, just wondering….
Im hearing from Isreal that its really bad situation>>>
let us daven that he have a refuah shleima
May all of Klal yisroel start doing teshuva NOW-before tragedy strikes again C”V-& THEN mashiach will come b’karov
We hope he stays alive
theyeshiva world has updated the matzav is really bad!
YWN is reporting that it is very serious.
actually theyvin news and yeshivah world say critical and he was just resuscitated
he is in stable condition.
When TLS says its serious – it most probably is…
Ill say 1-10
For those who don’t understand the implications of the news:
Rabbi Elyashiv is the foremost Rabbi in Orthodox Judaism in the world today. Orthodox Judaism believes that the merit of the greatest Rabbis protect the world and the generation. Therefore, a loss of the gretest Rabbi in the world is a tremendous loss, felt by every Orthodox Jew on the face of the planet.
Approximately 10 years ago, the then-greatest Rabbi in the world, Rabbi Shach, died at 103 years of age. Approximately 500,000 people came to his funeral in Bnei Braq, Israel. (Virtually all of Orthodox Jewry in Israel at the time)
Rabbi Elyashiv is now 101 years old, and fighting for his life. His situation has drastically taken a turn for the worse in the past two hours. Tens of thousands of Orthodox Jews all over Israel and the world are stopping their studies and their jobs, and praying for the continued health and life of Rabbi Elyashiv. Because we need our Rabbis.
(A side note: In late 1939 and early 1940, the world’s three greatest Orthodox Rabbis died within a few months of each other, as World War 2 and the Holocaust were beginning. I am referring to Rabbis Leibowitz, Shkop, and Grodzinski.)
i said 90-100
Yaakov- please stop writing leaving Hashem no choice. yes you should take lessons and wake up calls but dont make cheshboynos for hashem!!!!!
iMay he have a quick refua sheleima.
Finished 21 through 30
120 – 150
Any one know what the matzve is right now .
Update on HaGaon HaRav Elyashiv Shlita (4:45PM IL)
(Thursday, February 9th, 2012)
Yidden around the world are continuing to be mispallel for Maran Posek HaDor HaGaon HaRav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, whose condition remains very serious/stable. The rav is in a 10th floor cardiac intensive care unit in Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Yerushalayim, on a respirator.
The latest report cites the rav is in need of “Rachmei Shomayim Me’Rubim”. The rav’s medical team emphasizes the importance of the continued tefilos for the recovery of Rav Yosef Sholom ben Chaya Musha b’soch kol cholei am yisrael.
On Thursday night at 11:00pm, hundreds of shuls in Eretz Yisrael and around the world will open their doors to mispallalim on behalf of the posek hador, and at 11:55pm, chatzos, they will begin reciting the 13 Midos HaRachamim. The central tefilla will be held at the Kosel. There are also tefilos scheduled in the Ma’aras HaMachpela in Hebron at 11:30pm.
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Organizers also remind us that during the Second Lebanon War, Rav Elyashiv called for tefilos at the same time, explaining that even though the davening is taking place in different shuls and countries, the koach combines since the focus and time are the same.
In addition, at the same time, tefilos will also be held at the Kever of the HaLeshem on Har HaZeisim, the rav’s grandfather ZY”A.
(YWN – Israel Desk, Jerusalem)