Harav Dovid Merling To Become Rav At K’hal Zichron Yaakov, Succeeding Harav Shlomo Gissinger ZT”L

After an extended search by the kehilla for someone to fill the spot of Harav Shlomo Gissinger zt”l, K’hal Zichron Yaakov has chosen Harav Dovid Merling, the current rav of Agudas Yisroel of Montreal, to be the new leader of K’hal Zichron Yaakov. 

Rav Dovid learned under Harav Yitzchok Feigelstock in Mesivta of Long Beach, Harav Chaim Shmuelevitz and Harav Nachum Partzovitz in Mir Yerushalayim, followed by Harav Shneur Kotler in BMG, where he received semicha.

Harav Merling was a founding member of the Montreal Community Kollel Kesser Torah, where he still learns to this day. He has been involved in kiruv for over 30 years, and serves as the Executive Director of the Montreal Jewish Experience, an Olami-affiliated campus outreach program.

He is also a Chaver Bais Din of the Vaad Ha’ir of Montreal, and is on the Vaad Harabanim of the Bais Yaakov and the Montreal Community Mikvah, as well as being the rav responsible for the community eruv.

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  1. That’s a mistitle

    No one could ever replace a tzaddik like rabbi Gissinger ZT”L always there for every yid for non his even 24-7

    May his neshama have an Aliya

    Get his new book coming out new to read more about him and learn from his amazing ways as well as your children learn from him

  2. @shlomo with all due respect, it is clear that they are not saying that he is actually replacing r gissinger, just that he is replacing his position as rav of the shul. R merling is well known in the Montreal community and a huge talmid chacham as well as a big mench.

  3. What a silly and insensitive comment to post. As amazing as Rav Gissinger was, and he was amazing, there is no need to disparage this article for announcing his replacement. The new Rav is amazing too. Wish him success and keep your negative comments to yourself.

  4. Rabbi Gissinger Zatsa”l was legendary for giving Kovod to qualified Talmidei Chachamim, even those much younger than him.
    It is therefore incumbent upon us to be Mechabed the new Rav in the same way. זה הוא כבודו

    May the Kehila continue to Shteig under the new leadership עד ביאת גואל צדק

  5. Do people not know how to read? The heading says nothing more than “succeeded” which is a very pareve word that does not connote who is bigger or smaller.

    In any case, it’s very distasteful to start making comments on this. It’s OK to think about who is bigger, but keep those assessments to yourself.

  6. …and we wonder why we are still in Galus? Seems like some people just look for any opportunity to start a machloches. Out of nothing. Succeeding just means taking over the position, not replacing. And knowing R’ Gissinger zt”l, I surely doubt that he would have been offended by the headline, and would want us to embrace the new Rav with honor. It would be nice if the editors would try, even for one day, not to post negative comments. Wow…what a chiddush. Maybe we can make Chanukah National ‘Ayin HaTov Week’, where we focus on bringing light and goodness into the world.

    • You wrote a nice comment.
      Maybe we should daven for all the people who post non-positive comments.
      They definitely have issues and Hashem should help them.
      Happy Chanuka to everyone

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