[TEHILLIM LINK] TLS has been notified that Harav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita has added a name to the 7 month old Lakewood child in critical condition as a result of the Whooping Cough. The Tzibur is requested to be Mispallel for Refael Yisroel Meir Ben Sara Gittel.
The other child, the 6 week old, is reportedly recovering.
Baruch Hashem the 2nd one is recovering! Refuah Sheleimah to the 1st one!
New york should be aware of this also
Refuah Shelaima.
To all those who do not immunize their children: I understand you because my children suffer from allergies which I believe were complicated by many immunizations overloading them at one time. I have therefore been very conservative about immunizing – one shot at a time, spaced over time, and only those that are mandated for school. However, in the face of a real threat for a life threatening illness, perhaps immunization for whooping cough should be considered at this time. The risks either way should be reassessed.
You “believe were complicated….”?? How about asking a doctor before making assumptions that affect your neighbors children?? It is the children of all the self-proclaimed “experts” as yourself that Dr. Shanik says to keep our children away from.
Poor babies. Pray they all get well soon. It seems that this year is a bad year. There are so many sick children. They had no beds left at Jersey Shore this week ; there were too many kids.
Yes, there r other experts besides medical Drs that some people get guidance from, & rightfully so. Drs r not God. & yes, there r many people that were healed from various forms of alternative (& safer) medicine when there was no hope otherwise, & they do have expertise in their own fields. Vaccinations do cause some harm 2 the body in some way, & sometimes seriously, although few & far between, & not every mother wants 2 be that mother of a child who developed limitations as a result of vaccination. I know firsthand a kid in b.p. that developed a serious lifetime physical limitation a day after giving her kids shots… in any case, a mother has the right to follow her maternal instinct to do what she feels is safe 4 her kids. I for myself, although knowing the risks for vaccinations, feel safer giving shots than the risks of not 2 give at all, so i do give them shots, but not b4 6 months of age, & do them with atleast 2 months in-between, & i don’t do 2 sets of shots at once. & by the way, i heard that even the FDA is going to push off giving shots from 2 months to 6 months & on, cuz even they, finally realized that babies r too small & not strong enough to get shots so early on… so everyone follow the guidance of their rav & their Dr whom they go to for medical advice… & hopefully everyone should stay well, with hashems help. & remember that the kids that got sick is not because of those kids that didn’t vaccinate, but because hashem wanted so for his own reasons, perhaps to test us all how Lkwd will react, & if we’ll start wrongfully blaming people…