The dreaded morning-after feeling could be a thing of the past after scientists in Korea came up with a technique that allows drinkers to avoid a hangover. A team of researchers in South Korea added extra oxygen to drinks and found that the body was then able to metabolise the booze quicker and eliminate the alcohol quicker – cutting down the after effects. Healthy humans were given 240ml and 360ml drinks containing 19.5% alcohol by volume – all with different amounts of oxygen added.
The results, documented in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, showed those who consumed the more highly oxygenated drinks recovered quicker and saw their blood alcohol levels return to normal more speedily.
Researchers In-hwan Baek, Byung-yo Lee and Kwang-il Kwon of Chungnam National University’s College of Pharmacy concluded: “Elevated dissolved oxygen concentrations in alcoholic drinks accelerate the metabolism and elimination of alcohol.
“Thus, enhanced dissolved oxygen concentrations in alcohol may have a role to play in reducing alcohol-related side effects and accidents.”
The only down-side the boffins found was that the process also reduced the amount of time drinkers were actually drunk for.
A Korean drinks company is now launching an oxygenated “soju” drink called O2 Lin – a drink that “helps clarify your brain, energises your body cells, and maintains healthy and resilient skin”. Sky.
Dont mess with my booze please, i like it just the way it is hang over and all!