‘Haleviim Choir’ – Bringing A Yiddishe Taam To A Heimishe Wedding

AUDIO: The ‘Heleviim Choir’ is already making a mark for itself on the Chasunah scene. The Lakewood-based mens choir, founded about 10 months ago, gives that Yiddishe Taam to a wedding and brings back the beauty Jewish music once saw. In fact, one of the leaders of the choir, is Shimmy Miller, son of world renowned Chazzon Bentzion Miller, and himself a much sought after Chazzon today.

The group – which performs at weddings, dinners and fund-raising events – performed this week in Lakewood, will be performing this Monday in Monsey and has many more events planned for the near future around the Tri-State area.

Other members of the choir, are Yoel Werzberger, Motty Weiss, Shloime Holtzer, Bentzi Waldner and Moishe Streicher.

The audio clip below – from a wedding in Lakewood this week – features a guest singer, Shimmy Engel.

The choir can be reached at 347-224-2105.

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