Hagaon Reb Aharon Leib Shteinman In Letter: We Need Chizuk In Shmiras Halashon

r_a._l_shteinman_tlsOn Yud Tamuz, last Tuesday, the day thousands were searching for little Leiby A’H, Hagaon Reb Aharon Leib Shteinman Shlita wrote a letter asking Klal Yisroel to be Mechazek themselves in Shmiras Halashon. The Hebrew letter with the headline ‘In light of recent incidents’, speaks of the pitfalls – as well as the greatness – of the power of speech.

Click here to view the letter.

The letter was submitted to TLS by a Talmid of the Gadol Shlita.

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  1. @#1 I think you are correct. I really wish I could here from the Gedolei HaDor what our reaction and response should be to this horrible situation.

  2. I had a thought….Just a few weeks ago there were three Tzadikim that were niftar in a short period of time. In my humble opinion hashem was trying to send us a clear message to do teshuva. We (myself included) did not get the message… This past week hashem gave us a very very clear message….

  3. One Adom Gadol said as follows:
    We were so torn apart and apalled at the news of his body being dismembered. However, we need to understand that K’lal Yisroel is one guf, so if there is machlokes, then c’v’yachol the Aibeshter sees his own child being dismembered.
    Another Adom Gadol said that this could never have happened without the terrible effect of the internet.

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