Hachnosas Sefer Torah Of High Street

PHOTOS & VIDEO of this afternoon’s Hachnosas Sefer Torah which was donated by the High Street and Forest Glen communities and given in to the local Shul. The K’sivas Ha’osios took place at the home of R’ Shaya Ungar.


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  1. I ask again. Did we need extra police on this day? Did it cost the taxpayers any money at a time when we are so strapped for money?
    What’s so hard to answer? Yes or No, did it cost the taxpayers extra money? Why did you delete my question? It’s an honest question.

  2. We really must thank a person in our neighborhood, a real askan who abhors the limelight but all of us in the know, know that he gets everything done in our neighborhood. And thats HoRav Meir Kessner. Thank-you R’ Meir for all that you do for us in High Street, for the night Kollel With R’ Noach Witty, for the Sunday Morning Kollel with R’ Yitzchok Koslowitz & for all the families you raise $$ for before Yom Tov and on & on & on. The oilam is in awe of you. You should just know. Dudi.

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