Gym Sees Jump In Registration, Few Cancellations, Since Cancelling Zumba Class

Since cancelling the popular Zumba class, The Gym Lakewood  has seen a jump in registrations and very few cancellations, the Gym’s manager tells TLS. “We have received an overwhelmingly positive response from the Lakewood community”, the Gym’s management says, and says despite the many complaints, under 10 people have cancelled their registrations.

“We understand it was a popular and much sought after class, and there are some who are frustrated about the cancellation”, says the Gym, as they work to replace the women’s Latin Music and Dance class.

“We are very diligently working to develop a new and exciting class to replace it, and we hope the new classes will be as popular.” 

Reactions to the Gym’s decision have been mixed, since it was first reported here on TLS.

Many said the cancellation would only encourage more gym-goers to attend non-Kosher gyms and cancel their current registration, but the management says they’re unfazed by the criticism, after basing their decision on Da’as Torah.

“We’re confident in our decision”, the Gym said. TLS. (Photo: TLS-94)

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  1. I am glad I never got a membership at this Gym 1 because I would not be able to use the gym when I want as I understand there are different hours for woman and men 2 because I would be treated differently because I am different then the majority of Lakewood population.

  2. What does the cancellation have to do with anything???? We are staying in the gym for the machines that they offer. And we are just paying for zumba classes out of the gym. Pashut!

  3. Are all the other classes being offered at this gym using Jewish music? And who is in charge of telling them what Jewish music they can and can’t play? Because even with that there is a whole sensitivity issue…..

  4. I go to the gym atleast 3 times a week an its the best place!! Yes i was disappointed about zumba but the other classes and machines are great any how and youll still loose the same much weight!!!The gym keep up great work!!

  5. i’m so proud iof the gym management, patrons and lakewood community. not so proud of bitter commenters who are always negative like #2
    way to go guyzz!

  6. I commend the Gym- sometimes following Daas Torah mighht feel like its hard but Hashem is in charge and He is watching every reaction and stupid comment posted so all you bored people that have all this time to bash the gym and its followers -get a life and beg Hashem to ignore your insensitivity and foolishness and see the light and realize that agree or not this is Ratzon Hashem and that makes it the absolute most correct thing,
    I feel fortunate to know i go to a gym run by Daas Torah.

  7. I became frum a couple of years ago and something that really inspired me was THE GYM. I couldn’t believe that it was possible to keep to Torah standards in such a professional way! And especially now with such a big step based on Daas Torah inspires me and jews world wide. Kol Hakavod

  8. #1 said nothing about being special- they are only pointing out that they are not able to use the gym when they want as the times are segregated according to gender. As for different, they’re most likely referring to the fact that they are not frum like the “majority” of the town. Don’t get your knickers in a twist!

  9. I signed up for the gym last night. I hate to disappoint everyone, but the timing had absolutely nothing to do with the zumba discussion.
    Though it was great advertising for the gym, I have to say.

  10. I am planning to join the gym and I am happy that the owner is trying to keep a kosher atmosphere. I used to belong to the gym when it was not under Jewish ownership and I didn’t like the music at some of the classes. Even though we should have an outlet where we can exercise for our health it should be in a refined and tsniusdik atmosphere. Those who think otherwise can go elsewhere, unfortunately for them.

  11. i honestly didnt care so much about seeing the class in session. I just felt bad for these frum women who dance around like crazy thinking they are loosing tons of weight.

  12. When anything becomes to strict, it looses its fun & appeal.
    No wonder more and more people are straying away from strict religions.

    Why not allow people to make more of their own choices? Why control people through fear, tight rules, etc? Why tell large groups of people how to live their lives? Why so much censorship?

    I really wonder what Hasidim think of jews who are modern, and dont follow such strict life-styles.

  13. I am not cancelling my membership because I don’t think the point here is to “punish” the owner who only followed das torah-its not his fault. I do think that its the PEOPLE in lakewood who did a dumb thing by trying to ruin it for everyone else when they could have just avoided going to zumba instead of causing all the chaos that they did.

  14. i just signed up for the gym. i don’t plan on going but i wanted to show my appreciation for their commitment to judaism.
    #17, no one banned anything. can’t you accept the fact that lakewood is a city that still has some standards?

  15. I dance the zumba music in my own house,in a public place like a gym I think it is inappropriate, so the owner should be commended for his gevaldiga mailos

  16. As much as the gym is privately owned, it’s a public place and the MAIN gym in Lakewood that caters to the frum clientele in a central location. This is why the class, which was controversial among the frum population needed to be reassessed so as not to make the gym’s atmosphere less-than-ideal for the broad spectrum. Many zumba classes take place in private homes and more local, small gyms. If you really want to do zumba, that’s always an option.

  17. # 11

    What about all the people that sat and bashed all the people who do ZUMBA????? Those that finally found and awesome workout that did work for them? It’s EXERCISE!!!! All those hurtful comments…….May Hashem forgive you all!

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