The Lakewood Yarchei Kallah, led by renowned Magid Shiur and esteemed Rav of Khal Tiferes Mordechai, Rav Eliezer Apter Shlita, will be heading to Eretz Yisroel this Motzei Shabbos for their fifth annual event.
Lakewood Baalei Batim are anticipating a stimulating week replete with insight and inspiration, and a full program is planned complete with learning, Shiurim and Shmuessim from distinguished Roshei Yeshivah and Rabbanim, as well as private audiences with Gedolei Yisroel.
The Yarchei Kallah was originally conceptualized by a group of Baalei Batim in Lakewood who approached the renowned Maggid Shiur to lead the program.
The program will begin on Sunday, Jan. 11 and will be ending on Thursday evening, Jan. 15. The program and lodgings will be at The Prima Palace Hotel in Yerushalayim. The full days will feature an inspiring and invigorating schedule of Shiurim, including morning Daf Yomi, shuiurim on contemporary Halacha and Divrei Chizuk. The two learning Sedarim will focus on the Sugya of ‘Honesty in Business’.
For more information about the program, call the Yarchai Kallah office at 732-806-1008 or email [email protected].
What is baalei batim?
To #1. It doesnt literally mean but it refers to the working people of our town… and in this case the story is being that they work a whole year long they use this once a year opportunity to have an intense learning program in Israel all the while have a great time as well. They come back refreshed and reinvigorated. For every one person that goes there’s another 100 that wish they could go if circumstances allowed them to go.