Greater Adventure Learning Program Begins Today

greater-adventure-learning-programBeginning this morning, the Greater Adventure will once again be holding its massive Learning Program at Bais Faiga. The program is split into two divisions. The Junior Division for 3rd-5th grade boys and the Senior Division, for 6th, 7th, and 8th grade boys. The program will be taking place at Bais Faiga and run on today, Friday and Sunday, from 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Each boy who attends, will receive a prize each day before leaving and those who attend all three days will enter into a raffle for a Bicycle (Junior division) and a Shas (Senior division). Also, all boys who attend at least two days, will receive a valuable prize, (Junior) or a Sefer (Senior). Click here to view the full details.

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