Governor Murphy Signs Executive Order Extending Public Health Emergency in New Jersey

Governor Phil Murphy today signed Executive Order No. 215. The Order extends the Public Health Emergency that was declared on March 9, 2020 through Executive Order No. 103, which was previously extended in 2020 on April 7, May 6, June 4, July 2, August 1, August 27, September 25, October 24, November 21, and December 21. Under the Emergency Health Powers Act, a declared public health emergency expires after 30 days unless renewed.

“As we continue to work expeditiously to distribute vaccines, the COVID-19 pandemic is still in full swing,” said Governor Murphy. “Continued access to necessary resources is important and critical as cases have continued to climb in New Jersey and across our nation.”

Executive Order No. 215 extends all Executive Orders issued under the Governor’s authority under the Emergency Health Powers Act. It also extends all actions taken by any Executive Branch departments and agencies in response to the Public Health Emergency presented by the COVID-19 outbreak.

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