Governor Christie Orders Flags Lowered to Half-Staff In Mourning of the Victims of the Paris Attacks

us flag tlsGovernor Christie today issued an order for all State buildings to fly flags at half-staff on Tuesday, November 17, 2015, in recognition of the lives and in mourning of the passing of the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris, France.

The evil perpetrators of these atrocities callously took the lives of well over one hundred innocent people and injured hundreds of other, among those killed was Nohemi Gonzalez, a 23 year-old American college student from California.

“These coordinated acts of terrorism, like the attacks of September 11, 2001, represent an assault on civilized people throughout the world, and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms,” said Governor Christie. “It is imperative that leaders in the United States, France, and other countries around the globe take decisive action to deliver justice to those responsible for these attacks, and to ensure the safety of innocent people in the future. It is with profound sadness that we mourn the loss of Nohemi Gonzalez and all the victims of the terrorist attacks in Paris, France, and we pause to offer our deepest sympathies to their families, friends, and loved ones.”


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