Governor Chris Christie Orders Flags Lowered to Half-Staff in Honor of the Passing of First Lady Nancy Reagan

AV473-18Governor Christie today ordered all State buildings to fly flags at half-staff on Friday, March 11, 2016, in recognition of the life and in mourning of the passing of First Lady Nancy Reagan.

Born Anne Francis Robbins in 1921, First Lady Nancy Reagan became known as Nancy Davis following her adoption by her stepfather. After graduating from Smith College in 1939, Nancy Davis began a career in acting, where should she would eventually meet Ronald Reagan and marry the successful actor and Screen Actors Guild President in 1952.

Following her husband’s successful 1967 campaign for Governor of California, Nancy Reagan became First Lady of that state, where she became a leading voice for various causes and charities, and earned recognition as “A Model First Lady”. She played a vital and active role in her husband’s presidential campaigns, culminating in his historic victory in the presidential election of 1980. Nancy Reagan also served as a loving protector and confidant to President Reagan throughout his presidency and represented the United States as First Lady with grace and dignity. The First Lady was a passionate advocate who inspired countless Americans to reject the temptation of illegal drugs, and raised the nation’s awareness about breast cancer, saving lives in the process.

After leaving the White House, Nancy Reagan continued serving the public, focusing her energies on combatting the scourge of substance abuse, championing the effort to treat and cure Alzheimer’s Disease, and acting as a steward of the legacy of one the greatest leaders of our time. Most notably, she tirelessly worked in support of the Reagan Presidential Foundation and Library, an organization that teaches Americans about the life of President Reagan and cultivates new generations of public servants eager to follow his shining example.

“Nancy Reagan was the rock behind one of the greatest leaders of our time,” said Governor Chris Christie. “She was her husband’s greatest source of strength through the toughest decisions he made as president. She embodied grace and poise for generations of Americans. In true Nancy Reagan fashion, she became a crusader in the battle against the disease that ultimately took President Reagan’s life, Alzheimer’s. It was a great honor for me and Mary Pat to be welcomed by her to the Reagan Library in 2011 and it will be a memory we will always treasure. The nation will truly miss her. Our thoughts and prayers are with the entire Reagan family.”


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