Gov. Christie Declares State Of Emergency – Asks Residents To Leave Shore

hurricane evacGov. Chris Christie has signed a declaration of a state of emergency in order to mobilize the National Guard in preparation for Hurricane Irene. Christie said this will allow the National Guard to begin working across the state to prepare for the storm. State Police Superintendent Col. Rick Fuentes said the eye of the storm could pass over Cape May.

To anyone planning to go to the Shore this weekend, Christie said, “Do not go.” Read more in Star Ledger.

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  1. We are inland enough to avoid an evacuation order. If the situation gets really bad and evacuation is ordered, towns will be notified of the proper next steps.

  2. Thanks Bill
    The problem is, being that the storm is expected Saturday night, many lakewood residents won’t travel on Saturday…or hear of a warning

  3. regardless of your religion, Life saftey is utmost important. Speak with your rabbi, I am sure in this situation everyone will get a special dispensation to listen to a radio to keep update in the storm.
    Let be honest, if the storm was saturday and a tree or a problem happened at your home. You would really just sit there and say I can not turn on a light or drive to save my familiy

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