Give like your LIFE Depends on it.

[COMMUNICATED] Why? Because it may…Of course, we only wish you the best, and Hatzolah dreams of the day when their services will never be needed again. But, until that happens, Hatzolah is critical for LIFE, literally.

There is nothing more valuable than life.

Why do we need hundreds of members, equipped, trained and ready to respond? Why do need strategically stationed ambulances and vehicles? Why do hundreds of members volunteer to stop everything at a moments notice to help a stranger?

Why do thousands of us support the work of Hatzolah?

The answer is simple – LIFE.

We value life, we appreciate life and will do anything to preserve life. Every single day we enjoy life and thank Hashem for His precious gifts. Sometimes an emergency, helps us realize how much life means, and sometimes it a smile on our children’s faces.

Imagine the fear when faced with an emergency. Those precious seconds can make all the difference. The knowledge that Hatzolah is just seconds away means everything. It means LIFE!

This year’s auction celebrates this most precious gift – LIFE.

Enter the LIFE Auction by Hatzolah, now and show that LIFE matters to you too.

This year’s prize packages are amazing, and just when you thought it couldn’t get any better, it does. Enter to WIN our amazing $100 package – THE SPIRITUAL LIFE and you’ll automatically be entered to win THE GOOD LIFE, THE BLESSED LIFE and THE RICH LIFE packages for FREE! That’s an additional $108 Value to win and additional $20,000 worth of prizes FREE! And our every day specials keep getting better the more you donate.

SO, what are you waiting for, CLICK HERE to ENTER now and your LIFE will get more exciting!

Remember, every day of LIFE is another chance to WIN!

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