Getting My Child Into A Local Mosad – A Few Words Of Truth

[Reader Submitted] I’m plain middle of the road type. I went to a rather large Brooklyn Bais Yaakov, straight through. Seminary in E.Y. My husband went to Torah Temimah straight through, then E.Y., then Lakewood. He stayed in Kollel over five years, and now travels to the city every day. I do work for a web based company form home. KN”H my oldest is ready for primary next year- and I am losing sleep. We were already told by a particular administration that we cannot even apply to that Yeshiva of our first choice.

My sister lives in Los Angeles, and her children were registered in the Yeshivos they applied to, within a few weeks- no hassle. I know that there are some that will say, well “move to—,” or simply “move out of Lakewood.” But is that fair? Is it right? Is it reflective of who we are as a people? I mean after all, we are living here already nearly eight years, are completely at home and very much settled amongst friends and family. Obviously the issue on hand is the difficult “application procedures” for a Yeshiva for our child.

Of course I already went through somewhat of a challenge in regard to babysitters, and then playgroups and nurseries. Not that I have to send my children out, it just allows for a proper business approach to what I do. I am much of a veteran already when dealing for my younger ones in these areas, yet from the initiation of the Yeshiva application procedures, coupled with so much foreknowledge from what I’ve already heard, I am having a very difficult time dealing with it.

Yes, I have internet in my home. I work online, and do banking and shopping online. No we don’t have a television, though my mother-in-law’s parents have one. Yes my computer has DVD capability, yet we don’t usually have time for a movie. Although to be honest, I have watched a few over the years that I thoroughly enjoyed growing-up.

So now I have already filled out four different applications for my son for next year, answering on paper, in follow-up phone calls, and in one in-person conversation, a complete run-down on my and my husband’s background- our daily living style, our hopes and aspirations and private details. Truthfully I’d rather not give over so much private information, who’s business is it anyways, I believe this business of some administrator poking his nose into my affairs invade the concept of Ma Tovu Ohalecha Yaakov. All this for the questioners to deliberate and debate if we are indeed authentic internally to the ways and what we promote to the outside world externally. After all, as one Menahel jokingly mentioned to my husband- “we wouldn’t want your son’s friend to be fed Treif in your house now would we?” I could not get over the gall. No this was not said during any interview process, but rather in passing in Shul.

The truth is the trials and tribulations to get my child into a Yeshiva are bewildering. I mean, except for a difference in income and perhaps blood-type, we are all very similar. We all have shared aspirations for our children and ourselves, we all follow the Shulchan Oruch, and when in doubt, we ask. I mean, what difference does it make who my husband’s last Rosh Chaburah in Yeshiva is, and to whom we ask our Shailos. Was there ever a time in the history of Klal Yisroel that such questions were asked to find a Yeshiva for ones child. My husband tells me the Torah mandates a most thorough investigation when deciding the fate of someone who’s husband has gone missing.

I for one cannot understand why of the six families that now live on our block (we moved to a very nice remote part of Lakewood) each one collectively must send their children to eight different schools. (Boys and Girls). We get on so well with one another and have so many shared Haskafas as a neighborhood. Is it too much to ask that my child have a playmate and friend from two houses down that can be in the same class?

Lastly, it is very painful and yes even demeaning to be treated with the lordship the administrator or school owner seems to gloat over me when corresponding with the institution. Yes, I understand that they have the Z’chus to have and work for a recognized local children’s school and would like to serve it in its best interest. However, customer service interaction amongst the nations of the world in any service department can be better rated. Because you have me in a position of literally begging to place my child in what we believe is the best environment for him, does not give you or anybody the right to use your stronger upper hand to probe and prod my entire life history and humble my approach.

From what I understand, I am not the only one flustered by the seemingly bizarre and berserk method of placing our children in local Mosdos. I and I believe others are in need of Chizuk.

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  1. Are youwilling to comply with all of the rules of a mesed regardeing internet, movies, etc? Can you assure the mosed that your children will be exposed only to the hashkofos that their mosed represents? If yes I beleive that they deserve a chinuch in the mosed of your choise, if no I would think that you should be in a mosed whose values reflect your own. Hatzlocho in your seearch

  2. wow! Kol Hakavo!!!
    I am in the same situation getting my daughter into a school for next year. I am from Monsey and my husband is from Brooklyn where yes there are issues but not THIS! when we decided to move to Lakewood for the good of our family we were warned of this issue – IT IS A KNOWN LAKEWOOD ISSUE! How can our Rabbonim not speak out against this. We are talking about our future generations and dont give me an excuse – we all know that all of us in this situation are nice “normal” families. You know that you are not alone but perhaps we can rise up and make our voices be heard.

  3. AS an old timer, I am so relieved that all my children are out of school already. B”H I don’t have to go through this ordeal. BUT, it never ends! Now my kids are in shidduchim, which isn’t so much fun either, and my eineklach have to apply to schools. I guess we should be grateful that we only have “healthy” challenges…

  4. there are plenty of schools that will take your kids. your problem is that you must send to the school which you deem “trendy”. did you really think that writing to a blog is your solution? the school that you want really has no room. get that through your head. grow up and send to a school that has room.

  5. ” it is very painful and yes even demeaning to be treated with the lordship the administrator or school owner seems to gloat over me when corresponding with the institution”
    Come on. You’re just a trouble maker looking to stir up the pot.
    I too had some difficulty getting my children into the schools that we prefered but the administrators/principals were always VERY kind. They explained to me the difficulties and were very caring.
    Either that or there’s more to your story that you’re not sharing with us.

  6. You sound like you want your kids to learn in a top school but you and your husband are not hashkafically on the same page of these schools.

  7. dovy you peabrain. There are not plenty of schools. get it through your thick head there is a shortage in lakewood. Try to move a kid and they all say no room. So dovy or Yossi or whatever you want to call yourself enough with your balogna stories. you are full of hot air. How did maariv go last night?

  8. #9 – you are not worthy of a response. But one thing I can assure you is in the manner you responded to the writer of this article says a lot about how emotionally disturbed you are. And while I dont know you – or want to know you, I would like to give you some free advice and that is go and get some professional help.

  9. Would you want your kids going to a friends house and watching television? Guess what, these schools don’t want their kids going to your house and going on the internet or the “occassional” movie that you so readily admit that you watch.

    You actually have the gall to admit that you watch the occassional movie, and then complain that the schools don’t want you.

    The schools that are on your level of ruchniyus actually have plenty of room.

    This letter-writer-complainer should be a another proof to everyone else that the overwhelming majority of parents who have a hard time getting their kids into school are those who simply won’t conform to the spiritual levels of the schools.

    I know I don’t want my kids going to their friends’ houses and swimming in mixed swimming pools…………… and I have the right to not want them going to friends’ houses and watching the “occassional” movie that is watched in your house.

    Therefore…….. I have the right to not have your kids in my kids class. It’s as simple as that.

    And as your friends warned you…….. this is a free country……. you are free to watch the “occassional” movie, and you are free to leave Lakewood as well. Nobody is forcing you.

  10. I was born and raised in Lkwd and now moved out of town with my family. It is the best thing I could have done for my family. I love Lkwd and love to come back and visit, but now that I’m out of Lkwd, I see how happy one can live, (each person really makes a difference, no peer pressure, the school is thrilled to have my kids!) MOVE OUT OF TOWN!

  11. Very interestingly when I grew up our schools were a healthy mix of
    Yeshivahs,balabatush chasshidish and modern where mothers barely covered their hair…and looking back those kids today turned out more to the right of their parents probably because they had the hashpaha of us girls

  12. we are a chasidishe family we had our son in a great chasidishe school and not only did we have a hard time getting our daughter into a school we were mistreated and belittled by the hanhala our daughter was home for a while until she was finally accepted and no we did not have many schools to choose from considering the fact that we were not willing to give up even a little of what we wanted for our daughter. If a school does not want to accept you they should have a valid reason.

  13. Yes it is hard getting kids into school in Lakewood, but honestly, the schools only have a certain amount of space available each year. Siblings always get priority (imagine if they did away with that!) My boys were in a school that doubled in size from the time my first son started to the time my next son (just 2 years later) started.
    The school is so large that I honestly feel the children are suffering and falling through the cracks. It is one of the hardest schools to get into with an impicable reputation.
    Unfortunately people are so into the name brand schools that people are nervous to go to a new school, although I think it may be a better choice if your child is going to be just a number on an attendence sheet.
    As an insider of these sought after schools… i say, stay away, its not worth it selling yourself or feeling rejected for them. ALL the schools in lakewood are amazing, go somewhere where they want you and your kids will be special.

  14. Spiritual elitism is a horrible trait. Kol Hakavod to a family that wants to raise their bar of ruchnius by sending their children to a frummer school than how they were raised and became accustomed to. This is looked upon positively almost everywhere else on earth, but not in Lakewood, chas vesholem.

    You can try to “protect” yourself, but it won’t and doesn’t help anyhow. The narrow mindedness of some posters here is mind boggling. And, mind you, ask around and you will hear that even the frummest are having the same problems. That is why it needs to be kept private. Some of life’s toils are best handled that way.

    Remember Kol Nidrei? Lehispallel im haavaryanim. Can’t you see the message?

    Hashem Yirachem.

  15. Yes there is an issue, yes lack of space is one, accepting bnei Torah that are already working after being in lol el is frowned upon. That is incorrect. But letting the school know who your friends are, were you daven and who your husbands rosh chabura and Chavrusa give the administration someone to vouch for you.

    My wife and I were called in and given a drasha about tznius. Funny how our parents are rabbonim. I find out that everyone gets this meeting. Ok I respect that. It’s just a shame that we work and my wife is more tznius than many people who support the mosad which their opinions and friendship causes others to look the other way. There are at times even times those that not work who have issues of tznius.

    Yes working in Lakewood before getting your kid into school makes it harder. It unfair and makes no sense.At the same-time you can and will get in a school if your friends, rav, rosh yeshiva can vouch that you are truly on the same level of hashkafa of the mosod you wish to get your child into.

    From your open written letter I would suggest looking for a mosad that shares your values.

  16. #17 Yid you are a (moderated). Someones kid should not attend your kids school because his parent occasionally watches a movie? What about if you always come to shachris by barichu should we not allow your kid to attend our school?

    Actually Lakewood would be a heck of a better place if you moved to the west coast and stopped contaminating us with your junk.

  17. This is the biggest issue in our town. People think our biggest issue is the shiduch crisis or Zumba. Wake up everyone. I moved from out of town to Lakewood hoping it was a good choice. Worst mistake ever. I had to litterly allow people from the school search my home for stuff that they deem not allowed in their school. Can you imaging if I would to search their homes?! Do you know how much humiliation my family endured? I wanted to speak out but they said not only would my kid not get into their school, they would make sure no other one In Town would take us in.

  18. To the anonymous “dovy”

    If you want to post inflammatory comments, please be so kind and post your last name as well. That way all the other “Dovy’s” in town don’t get hurt. It would be nice to capitalize your name or pseudonym as well. Or perhaps, in the school of your parents choice they didn’t put much focus on these trivial matters?

    Thank You.

  19. As a parent of kids in (moderated), its a decent school but not anything like it’s reputation. If i could start again today, i would pick a different school and hanhala, and most parents there have told me the same.

  20. I don’t know if u have a valid complaint or not, however – start conforming now. Because this issue will only get magnified @ Shiduchim stage
    & then it may be too late to reverse.
    Do it for the children !

  21. I know you write that she is trying to get her kid into a “trendy” school and she should look for a school more her speed. I am in the same parsha with my daughter and I gave up a lot of things that I used to do like watching dvds and such just so I can get my daughter into a good scool. I also stopped watching because I didn’t like the influance it was having on my children. There is a school here I’m lakewood that would probably take me even with my kids watching dvds but the kids that go there don’t have the right middos and hashkofos I want for my daughter. Must we compromise because we are trying to build a better life for our children? Shouldn’t the schools see that I’m trying hard, changed my way of dress, got rid of dvds in my house so that my daughter can grow up to be a true bas yisroel? Why should my daughter suffer for mistakes I have done in my past?

  22. There are Many Kollel Youngerleit that can’t get their kids into school either. The letter writer paints it as only Their own problem. The schools have NO ROOM . No reason to pull out the victim card and try getting sympathy by blowing your situation out of proportion. Just be patient and think of many other parents that can’t blame themselves for not getting their kids into the school of choice.

  23. We hear in lakewood have many options. We can ignore the reality that many people have moved into town that may have different Haskafos than we have. If we do that we will empower these people with the right to do what ever they want. wait a few more years and if we do not accept them and try to have a positive ruchnius impact on them from within, they will have an impact on us from the outside. If we want to live in a vacuum than it will end up exploding in our face. Some will say” it’s for my kids”, but the reality is, that when we don’t accept another yid it’s because our ego does not allow it. The blame it on my kid thing is simply wrong.
    I think we should embrace each and every lakewood resident. the schools in this town need a major overhaul in dealing with space and with setting the way we deal with the “newcomers”. One last thing, The sad reality about almost all of the schools is, that if I were to write a $1,000,000 check to get my child/grandchild/friend into schools in lakewood, all of the lack of space and the lack of tznius and the lack of middos are suddenly FORGOTTEN!!

  24. As much as people say the frum community is varied, there is really only one path that you must follow in order to be accepted by the community and by the schools. We moved here as a newly married couple to be near family. Now our daughter is 4 and ready for school and sadly, we have to move out of town. We have internet, tv, my wife’s level of tznius is not up to par with what you would want, and I fully understand why the schools dont want us, but its still sad none the less. Sad that there are no institutions that would welcome children from less than perfect families. I wonder if when moshe and the jews were wandering in the desert, did they group people together based on their level of frum-ness? or , were all jews walking as one in the eye of hashem?

  25. to # 16 I have an easier time with the writer who has the “gaal” to admit the truth vs. a phony person who puts on a (fake) frum show for the school and then brags how they don’t want bad influences hurting their precious children. They should set an example and be real. It’s the phony chevra out there that are the real bad influences not the people who have the guts to admit the truth.

  26. I know plenty of people in “yeshivish” schools that watch videos and are really busy on the internet and blackberries, the schools just sometimes have no idea what goes on behind peoples doors. On the other hand there are parents in not so yeshivish schools, who never really watch anything and are frummer on the inside than the “so called yeshivish” person sending to a very frum school. Its all a matter of what kind of “show” some pple put on, which is what a lot of pple here are all about. They need to look good on the outside, but don’t really care for being yeshivish.

  27. I was by the lake few weeks ago saw two families: 1: husband with tight fitted jean pants, designer shoes sunglasses and IPhone. Wife very long sheital long skirt iPad etc… Kids, play stations, matching outfits, boys with hairstyles that when they removed their yalmukas to look in the water (at the request of the mother) they looked mamash like goyim. 2: a yeshiva man with a black beard pushing a used double graco bringing his kids bein hasdorim so his wife can work rest etc, he had a Sefer and his kids were shining with kedusha.
    These families had nothing in common, why should they share schools???

  28. I doubt this will be printed. my opinion is too liberal for Lakewood ..but I am writing it anyway…. Someone needs to be honest and say…noone knows what is going on behind closed doors. We think just because our neighbors looks like us, and talks the talk, that their hashkofah is like ours. Your guess is as good as mine. What really matters or should matter in a school or in choosing a friend is what kind of middos the family or chld has….not if they wear long socks or if they watch an occasional movie. A rude and hateful child is much more harmful as a friend than watching “(moderated)” , and …I am sure that a parent would never show a movie to your child anyway, because they don’t want you to know they even watch.

  29. Look lady. First of all take a deep breath and calm down. You sound like you are hyperventalating in your post.
    Stop and think. Has-hem runs the world. If he wants it to go smoothly then it will. If one mosad doesn’t work out then maybe another will that would b better for your child.

    Kneinehora. Lakewood has grown and the schools are squished.
    Hold on , have bitachon , pray and do the normal hishtadlus. Everything will work out in the end.
    We were in the same boat , just high schools. We were losing sleep at night. We were discussing it 24/7 literally. Then we decided to stop and place it in Has-hem’s hands. Yes we didn’t get into our” school of choice” but we are sooo happy at the school we did finally get into.
    Dr. Laura.

  30. I went as a child to the Hebrew Academy of Cleveland in Ohio. Believe me when I said that we had all types in the school. However, this just encouraged the families to place a greater emphasis at home on their own family ideals while still learning and understanding that there are many yidden out there. It was a beautiful experience and one that has left me with a lifetime lesson of appreciating diversity while maintaining identity.

  31. I appreciate your observations, and you do make a very valid point. However, where do we draw the line? I saw two families too. Once was like the second family you described, the man with the safer pushing the used graco. I also saw a second family, but he was pushing a new graco, he still had sefer in his hand, but he occasionally checked his text messages. Now what if the second family you saw does not want their kids in the same school as the second family I saw? after all, the father you saw looked in his sefer the whole time, while the father I saw did glance at his texts every 10 minutes. Is that OK?

    I know my example is a bit crass, but I am trying to make a point. Everyone thinks their level is the “right” level, and that someone below them is too modern, and someone above them is too extreme. WHERE does it end?

  32. To #16
    I have news for you – I would NEVER want me kid to be in the same class as yours. You abviously have no resepect for another yid and with your superior snobby attitude your kids probably walk around with the same holier than thou attitude that is WAY more harmful than an “occasional” movie. Its so sad that what determines a kids acceptance into a school is his level of yeshivishness and how much money he has and not his level of derech eretz, honosty integrity which reflects way more on a persons character than if his shirt is white or blue.
    To the parent who posted this letter – My heart goes out to you. We have been there and its not a position I would ever want to be in again. B’H it worked out for us in the end and hopefully you will have the same results.

  33. Best advice i can give is go were you are wanted , you will be happier in the end .

    people fixate on a certain school thinking its the only or best choice . meanwhile they end up switching schools a few years in because you cant get along with administration .

    B”H we have plenty to choose from in Lakewood and yes you might have to sacrifice some to get some and you might not end up in the school of your first choice but remember that its the rebbi / teacher that makes all the difference in your child being happy and doing well in school . Every year is like you are going to different school altogether .

  34. This is what private, religious schools are all about. The school administration has the ability to set admittance standards, and limit admittance to those that comply with these standards. Parents must know and understand the admittance criteria, and the schools must be up front with a published list of same.

    Because everyone is different in some way or another, and some families choose to be a family that they are most comfortable with, there is room for additional private, religious schools that are more suited to these families.

    Religion is a tie that binds people together in their common belief in God and the tenants of the religion. It is better to have some leeway, rather than to disenfranchise good and decent people from their society.

    Every child needs and deserves a thorough and efficient education. When that entails a religious education, all the better. Parents need a variety of choice and pride in their selection.

  35. my comments left in moderation while all those that followed have been posted ? ios this how you control comments that you may not agree with ,no freedom of expression here ,nothing offensive said just my viewpoint that obviously you do not agree with . thankfully there are many other sites where ALL have the right to eexpress their own views no matter which side of the issue they stand on !!!

  36. Why should they share towns? Why should they share planets? Let us make a planet for tight-fitting ipads and another one for the loose-fitting ones.
    My point is, if we are not allowed to throw them out of town, we have to find a school for them. No excuses.

  37. the school problem is getting out of hand. i have a friend whose child was out of school for 15 months. there was nothing wrong with the family or child. the child begged everyday to go to yeshiva and couldn’t wait for his father to come home to learn with him. he finally got into school this year and is doing amazing. the schools are hurting the children but they don’t seem to care.
    the other day my father met a lady who rents an apartment from his company she didn’t look at all jewish. while talking she started saying some jewish sayings when my father asked her how she knew these things she told him that she grow up frum but it was not for her. you don’t just decide on day that you don’t want to be how you were brought up something happened that turned her off. the school situation in this town has the power to do that to these children. i know they are young but it really makes them feel rejected not to be in schoool and to sit at home each day waiting until someone takes them in. we must put a stop to this school situation now

  38. If kids from “modern” families go to schools with the proper chinuch and hashpo-oh, they can grow up frummer than their parents. On the other hand I know many kids who grew up here in the “old” days of Lakewood from frum homes who are more modern than their parents. There is no simple answer.

  39. You sound very intelligent and you write very well. Instead of trying to change the system, just work with you. Now the truth is you must pick a school that fits your lifestyle and how you would like your children to be raised and DON’T GIVE UP. My son went to stars and everyone told me that he wouldn’t get into the school of my choice (one of the reasons I chose because many neighbors went there, yes I would like him to have friends at school who live close by) but I ignored the naysayers and I called as many people as possible and asked them to intercede on my behalf. Of course I was rejected without a second look, but I gave it my all and he was bh’ accepted. Yes I hate the system, but yes I worked with it. I think the advice “move out of town” is very childish and demeaning as well. You are essentially saying that we don’t want to work with individuals, if you don’t like it leave. That is not the proper hashkafa in any way shape or form. Schools should be willing to work with people on an individual level, even while they keep their global rules in place. You can’t run away from problems, and you have to work the system wherever you go, it might be a different issue in another place but every town has it’s issues that you have to deal with.

  40. Why don’t you open a school for families that have internet and television at home? There are obviously many families in Lakewood like that, and they are entitled to their own school. Just don’t blame everyone else, instead, do it yourself. Open the school yourself.

    To the poster who wanted to know if Moshe Rabbeinu and Klal Yisroel in the Midbar accepted and loved all Jews, even the ones with the jeans and tight fitting clothes and 24 inch shaitels and clothing that didn’t cover the knees and elbows as per halacha:

    Yes, they accepted them. Absolutely. They were called the Eirev Rav. Klal Yisroel tried so hard to accept them and love them, and they caused so much tzaros for klal yisroel. They caused the Eigel – a sin that we are suffering for until today.

    We tried. and we failed. But we keep trying. Believe you me.

  41. Can’t our kids go to school with others who may not share our exact priniciples?? Do we have to only go to school fraternize with people that are just like us? Or do we have ahavas yisrael?

  42. the problem with the skools and apparently with all u scoop readers is that who do u think you are to judge ppl like this?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wat makes you think that you are any frumer wen you put other frum yidden down!!!!!!! wat makes you think u are any better?!!!!!!!! we all have things that we do that arent up to par with wat hashem wants us to b! wat gives you the right to decide which “transgression” ( i wont say aveira cuz half the things that are being judged are not aveiros!) r worse then the others?!!!!!!! non of us want to admit that wat we do is wrong or say it outloud or let ppl know cuz we r so afraid of how we are goin to be jugded by ppl who think they are better than us! we are teaching our children that it is ok to hide and lie about the things that we do “wrong” and that it is ok to judge those that dont hide it!!!!!!!! wat have we become?! wen did we become this way that we think we are better then everyone else?!!!!!!!!

  43. Without being judgemental of Lakewood or of the letter writer in any way, I would like to shed light on this situation by pointing out a simple fact. I grew up in an out-of-town community. I watched TV, movies, etc. I wore colored pants and colored shirts. So did all the other boys in my class. Then we went to Eretz Yisroel and many of us ended up in yeshiva and kollel. Personally, I have remained in Kollel longer than most people with “yeshivish” backgrounds. So now that I am living in Lakewood, why can’t I raise my own children in the same way that I was brought up? I think that the answer is that when growing up, all of these things were accepted and were acceptable. Now we have all chosen to live in Lakewood, for its higher religious standards and relative ease of raising a frum family that it affords. Like it or not, there are certain accepted standards regarding dress, tzniyus, insularity, etc. The fact of the matter is that if I were to allow my kids to do the same things that I did when I grew up (as they sometimes wish to do), it would breed within them an air of rebelliousness and of being anti-establishment. That’s just the way it is–just like when I go back to my hometown for Shabbos, it would be considered rude not to greet a lady on the street, while in Lakewood (and Monsey and other places), to do the same would be considered a breach of modesty. I think that we all have to get used to this fact and understand that there are certain people who are very protective of their standards and it is usually these schools that have a high demand for enrollment. if we want our children to get into schools with these children, we must either conform to these standards or look elsewhere. Even in Lakewood there is still some variety as far as the religious levels of the schools is concerned.
    Good luck to you and all the rest of us.

  44. Once you get over the first hump and they see the wonderfull children you are bringing up it gets much easier.

    Frankly, as another commenter said these are baby steps compared to later in life iy’h (high school, seminary, shiduchim etc…).

  45. To all those who can’t stand how people are so judgemental about schools:

    You are the same judgemental when it comes to shiduchim. And you know it.

    You are a hypocrite.

    You won’t do a shiduch with a baal tshuva. You won’t do a shiduch with a sfardi. You won’t do a shiduch with someone more oders than you. You won’t do a shiduch with someone who’s mother doesn’t cover her hair. You won’t do a shiduch with someone who uses plastic for shabbos meals, or someone who’s kitchen chairs are ripped.

    You are so judgemental.

    But you don’t want others to be judgemental of you.


  46. #27,
    i have been posting as dovy, my real first name, on the scoop almost since the first day. i don’t see any reason to change my name because you disagree with me.

  47. number 21 is so right. there are so many chashuvah yungerlight that are just dieing to get into chinuch. when a new school opens it has the best rabaim and moros for your children. you dont need a “brand name school” for your kid to grow, you need a group of good, patiant well educated teachers who will show love and care for your child. just keep pushing and youll hit gold soon. as for the spelling i have noticed that more mature conversations attract better spellers. i said mature #9 i am not sure why you posted.

  48. I didn’t read through all the posts, because I work for a living (Gasp!) and don’t have the time. All I can say is this. When tragedies strike the Lakewood community there are asifos that focus on how to better ourselves and our yiddishkeit. While some of the issues are real, in my opinion they all pale in comparison to this one. Ribbono shel olam! Please don’t focus on our schools and our school policies. We are mostly good yirie shomayim.

    Wake up people. This issue has to be raising a ruckus in shomayim.

  49. I know someone that couldn’t get his kid in to a cheider , so he opened one himself. Instead of kvetching get together a group and open your own school, get a good staff , and will be happier then sending to an established school

  50. number 66 you said exactly what i wanted to write in 63. anyone that feels that they can properly run a school should open one immidiatly!! you cant fail. as long as you can get a building your set. i know it sounds rediculous but there are so many great potentiol rabaiem and moros, money comes in bec in lakewood they send your kid home if you dont pay tuition, we clearly see that there is an overabundance of children kn”h. if you think you can handle the polatics, the staff salection/interviews, the fundraising for a building and the phone calls then please do us all a huge favor and take the plung.

  51. i have the solution for all the schools who have no room for my ordinary friends children. all the children in the school whos parents are rosh yeshivos, family of rosh yeshivas and principal, should give up their seats for our kids with no protectzia. a solution will be found very very quickly for all these chashuva children.
    ahavas chinam!

  52. I was warned by a realtor about the scenario described by the opening comment. This was almost 8 years ago. He basicly told me, dont bother looking for a house unless you know for certain your children are in yeshiva. We stayed in Flatbush.

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