Get Your Free Coffee At Starbucks Today

starbucks coffeeStarbucks is offering free coffee today, if you come in with with your Traveler’s Mug. The offer is only available today, April 15th. The free coffee is in honor of ‘ Environment Day’,  on which Starbucks encourages customers to switch from paper cups to reusable travel mugs. To locate a store near you, click here.

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  1. rt 70 west in lkwd. right next door to the new hilton & rt 9 n. right after lowes in howell
    does the mug have to be a starbucks mug or any mug?

  2. Mr #3 What about the keilim they use for the coffee? Is there no issue with that? Just want to verify that I can go to McDonalds and get their unflavored coffee

  3. If you want to be machmere, Starbucks washes their coffee brewing basket kailim with the trief food kailim that they serve. Only the expresso shots with paper cup ONLY is not a problem because they don’t mix expresso kalim with the food kailim.

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