Gelbstein’s Food Boxes Being Distributed Today 3-5:15 PM

The weekly free food boxes for eligible children under the age of 18 will be distributed today from 3:00 PM until 5:15 PM or until supplies last. To be eligible for the seven-day box, children must not be receiving free lunches at school, while any child can receive the weekend box. 

Bear in mind that you will need to fill out a questionnaire when picking up boxes. The questionnaire can be downloaded by clicking here.

NOTE: Expect longer lines during today’s distribution, because public schools are closed for the holidays, making a larger number of children eligible for this week’s seven-day box.

For the contents of this week’s box, see the attached flyer below.




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  1. Can someone please clarify where to get the weekend box. The automated call from Michael Inzulbuch was a bit confusing. If I heard correctly it said you CAN get weekend boxes but not from the middle school, so from where? I wish there was a phone number we can address our questions to.

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