Gas Drops to $1.69 in Lakewood

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Great now how to we work on stopping highway robbery better known as a ten cents per gallon fee if you use a credit card. I mean come on how much does it cost to process credit cards 3%? How much is 3% of $2? six cents. Its now way less than $2. The credit fees should not amount to more than five cents per gallon. I think its time to somehow fight this insane highway robbery that doesn’t exist in any other stores.
As a store owner the only reason I take credit card so that I don’t lose the business to the competition. Good for the gas station they figured it out together
BYD, I am not saying that you guys should loose money. So charge me the costs. But its not fair to overcharge. If it only cost gas station five cents please don’t charge ten cents. This is literally a case of “highway robbery”.