Gangs In Our Areas, APP Begins Seven-Part Series

gang graphiti(TLS photo of Gang-related graffiti in the Downtown area) Criminal gangs are on the upswing in New Jersey and moving into suburban communities and white-collar crime, an Asbury Park Press investigation found. The “Gangs” series, beginning today in the Sunday Press, reports that there have been at least 14 murders in the last five years attributed to the Bloods in Monmouth and Ocean counties. While gangs have preyed on urban communities for decades, the new wrinkle is a high level of sophistication by the gang members and leaders.

A ranking Bloods member, whose crimes and gang rank were verified by law enforcement sources, told the newspaper that gangs are ”in the nicest neighborhoods, the best schools — colleges, too.”

Monmouth County Prosecutor Luis Valentin said: “There is no safe haven in New Jersey. A county like Monmouth, despite its affluence, has a gang problem. . . . It’s not just drugs, but also identity theft, computer fraud, mortgage fraud. It’s driven by a profit margin.” APP

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  1. Tyrone,
    The lcsw boys will have no clue what hit them if they meet up with a gang member! The cops are even scared of them! You must learn how to protect your family and not rely on others!

  2. This problem is a direct result of our leaders ignoring the true problems that are currently plaguing our town. I recently invited a police officer to join me, and go into a certain store on Clifton Ave. He walked out in shock. He called over a fellow officer and told him he has to go see this obvious drug den. Both officers were amazed that such a business could operate so visibly, yet nobody ever questioned its validity.
    We must wake up and realize that our town is currently being used by major gangs as a place to operate. They are even being courted by certain landolrds. We must tell our Landlords that we will not stand for renting to any suspicious tenants. We must demand that our police chief and inspectors make this their first priority. And we must do all that we can in our power to make our town inhospitable to these criminals. We have town meetings regarding the threats of technology on our youth. We scream about the effects the outside world is having on our sons and daughters. But we have allowed a dangerous cancer to grow in our midst. A cancer that brings us immediate danger.

  3. I heard there was a tattoo parlor coming somewhere on second street. What if one of our yiddishe kinder goes by and decides to get a tattoo. How could we allow such a thing in middle of our town!? I am telling you there will be kids that will end up there because it is in their midst. Just as there were already stories with other stores that have ensnared our children. There are even some fun inzere that have shaychos to these gangs.

  4. we are directly affected by the prevalent drug sales in and around our immediate community as is evidenced by how many of our own heimsih lkwd children get ensnared by drug use
    if we dont wake up and realize that the sale of drugs has an immediate direct impact on our own community and should be priorty 1 to remove it from our midst

  5. Not my tenants. I like to rent my ugly vinal siding townhoses to a family of 16 upstairs and two families of 6 each in the basement with 6 cars and 2 broken ones parked in front.

  6. Please everyone be aware that there is a school program specifically geared on gang awareness. They work with these kids on a weekly basis and 3 classes per marking period. The authorities are getting throught to the kids and the students are responding. Change takes time. Keep the faith.

  7. #11 are you kidding what do you think all that spray paint meant go down pine street williams st or really anywhere if you see numbers spray painted that is gangs territory and who do you think is doing the shootings? And to #1 do you want to see the LCSW beat to a bloody mess they should never take on the gangs they are teenage boys and early 20 year olds with nothing to loss. I hope you where kidding but based on your other posts I can only guess you were not kidding!

  8. All of you are all wrong. I those teenagers want to start ruining their lives before they begin i say let them. Its there choice and no one elses. Let them do what they want with their lives.

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