Fundraiser launched for Jackson firefighter’s 2-year-old daughter

Hi everyone my name is Mackenna Leonard I am two years old. On Monday January 4th, 2021 I was admitted to Jersey shore medical center to have an MRI because I fell down the steps a few days before and the dr wanted to make sure I didn’t have swelling on my brain. I didn’t have any swelling but unfortunately the doctor found a brain tumor. They removed the tumor the very next day and got the whole thing out! I developed a condition called posterior fossa syndrome. They said it would last 2 to 3 weeks. BUT I snapped right out of that 3 days later because I had a lot to say and I was HUNGRY! I’ve overcome every obstacle in the past two weeks!

My mom is the most awesome person I know next to my big sister. My dad is pretty cool to he is a real live fireman!! I have a great big family Praying for me and I know all of their friends are saying prayers for me too and they are working!! Because GOD IS SO GOOD!

But today January 14, 2021 we were given a little bit of bad news : the tumor that was taken out of my head was malignant. BUT That’s not gonna stop me I’m still gonna fight! I need a little bit of medicine they’re calling it chemotherapy but I know I can beat that too.. my dad has to take some time off from work to help take Care of me. Unfortunately the insurance company won’t cover all of the things I’m going to need to help me get better. If you can please donate it would be a big help. But most of all please keep those prayers coming I need them now more than ever.

Thanks Everybody!! I got this!

Love, Mac

Link to donation page.

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  1. Just donated. Your positivity and faith will definitely get your family through this. Thank you for your service and May your little princess have a quick and speedy recovery! Y. Weinberger

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