FULL SPEECH: R’ Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz Addresses Event in Lakewood Honoring Reb Shloime Chaim Kanarek

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  1. Reb Shlomo Rechnitz spoke beautifully from the heart, two points; what happens if 300 boys apply for a school with 3 primary classes ? or 1000 boys apply for a school with 10 classes?? he should have told the parents that all schools are similar and equal and not try to impress others by only trying for the schools that they think have a better name!! its not always the schools fault…second point is it seemed he was speaking down on Lakewood, Lakewood is a wonderful town where all types respect and live with each other… yes we can improve but so can frum yidden in Los Angeles, New York and around the world.

  2. Eli,

    You have a very good point and parents do have to realize that new schools are not only a viable option but often a better option. People don’t realize that most new schools have even better rabbiem. They can afford to pay little more since the staff is small. And usually the prinicpal comes from another experienced job. And there is bigor and attention. A large part of parents refusal to send is simply a status symbol.
    That being said the schools are not fair other. So Eli asks what should overcrowded schools do? The answer is a fair and square lottery. That means any child that would fit into the school gets a fair chance to come into the school. A few slots can be saved for money since schools do need money. But that should be limited to a fixed limited amount. Anything over that fixed number should be a fair lottery. This thing that you can pnly get into established schools via pull is wrong and not jewish

  3. The Roshei Hayeshiva have literally been mevazer themselves to beg heads of schools to take certain children in and they were not listened to. Reb SY Rechnitz is a tzaddik. He is practically supporting the most moisdos in town and has done more for Torah in this town then anyone else. The Daas Torah in this town comes to him for support and he responds more then any other gvir. If anyone has a right to say an opinion it is him. Besides lets not forget he was asked or begged to speak. I happen to agree with him that people in Lakewood need to work on respecting others that are different then themselves.

  4. Eli,
    You have a valid point and I think number 2 answered you as a possibility to what can be done. I’m sure if your children were one of the children having difficulty getting in you would have a million different tirutzim to your question. Either way I’m not sure what ” yes we can improve but so can frum yidden in Los Angeles, New York and around the world” has anything to do with anything. Obviously you did not hear what R’ SY said in his speech. Besides Lakewood is a mokom torah so don’t compare it to other places, there is much more expected from Lakewood than other places. As R’ SY said this problem is happening in Lakewood and not in other places, and Lakewood is the town where everyone seems to be B’nei torah.

  5. Rabbi SY Rechnitz is Yoisher, Vetzodak.

    It’s the attitude that Rabbi Rechnitz is referring to. Where is the Achdus, AHAVAS CHINUM, why is there a better then thou attitude when it comes to schools? Why are people NOT treated like mentchen, and they have to be machniya themselves when speaking to people in positions of power…….? ETC……

  6. He is correct the school situation in Lakewood is messed up.. The question is that is the schools going to at lease try now to work on it or are they only good at taking his money..

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