Frum Assmblyman Gary Schaer, Expresses Concern Over Potential Cut To Private School Lunches

gary schaer visiting tashbar(Assemblyman Gary Schaer visiting Tashbar) The state treasurer today said subsidies for school breakfast programs will be cut for public schools, while private and parochial schools will lose contributions for their lunch programs as well. Treasurer Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff told the Assembly Budget Committee the proposal would allow the state to save $3 million. “However, that does not mean the program’s over because there’s still federal funding,” Sidamon-Eristoff said. “I believe our contribution is 10 cents and the federal subsidy is $1.46, just for context.”  

Assemblyman Gary Schaer (D-Passaic) said he was concerned about the effect saving 10 cents might have on children’s ability to perform. He also was disturbed to learn lunch subsidies are being eliminated for children attending private and parochial schools.

“Is there a reason why we’re treating children that attend one school differently than children that attend another school?” he asked.

“The state’s first obligation is to provide education through the public system,” Sidamon-Eristoff said.

“It seems to me we might be saving $3 million dollars here or a million dollars there and depriving children of opportunities in the future,” Schaer said. “I would like to suggest that this is short-term pain and long-term foolishness.” Star Ledger

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  1. it seems there is a chance for good p/r.the school-breakfast / lunch program is federal program with a contribution from the state.if the mosdos run the program correctly ,they will loose nothing!!!!

  2. Did Gary Schaer and the Tashbar Parent body fill out their Census Forms? How about Treasurer Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff ? What do you think – Did the Budget Commitee also fill theirs out?

  3. The state of new jersey Is broke we must cut cut & cut. Til we can lower taxes and the state makes money again. Better days are ahead.

  4. Perhaps NOW is the time to bus in hundreds of yeshiva and bais yaakov students (seperately) to public schools – to ‘register’ so they can see how much we pay in to public education and how little we take out – especially in towns like Lakewood.

  5. Are private school children less hungry that those in public schools? This is not a religious issue, so unless cuts are made across the board, this is discrimination in it’s highest form. Where did the extra food go to, anyway? Did Christie eat it all up?

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