[COMMUNICATED] Rav Shayale fed those who were hungry, and promised Yeshuos for those in need – what greater Zchus can there be L’ zecher Nishmaso than providing food to Cholim and their families on Rav Shaya ben Rav Moshe’s Yahrtzeit?
Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim of Lakewood carries Rav Shayale’s work forward, supporting and nourishing our community’s Cholim and their families, in every sort of imaginable situation.
A Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim Shliach will be at Rav Shayale’s Tziyon on his Yahrtzeit, he will mention your name there, calling upon the Zchus of the Yidden you help us feed.
Now more than ever, our Cholim are relying on Lev Rochel Bikur Cholim – and you – to provide them nourishment!
L’zecher Nishmas Rav Shaya Ben Rav Moshe ZTL…. donate nourishment for Cholim and their families now!