From Har Ha’Tzofim to Nechama – Special Feature Shiur for Tisha be’Av from Horav Michoel Sorotzkin
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Very nice and interesting insight into the story of Rabi Akiva and his friends.
It’s a special talent from the gifted speaker to take an Agada story in the Gemara and shed some sophisticated “lomdishe” commentary explanation to it.
Very enjoyable.
Superb as usual.
Anyone knows where one can find the Gr”a about Man”tzapach? Couldn’t find it in Kol Eliyahu
Look at sefer Margoliyos Hayam on Sanhedrin 8:a WHO BRINGS IT FROM THE GR”A.
This shiur is simply brilliant. no other word.
חבל על הזמן
Tayere Reb Michoel;
The oilam is asking.
Time to come back to ir hakoidesh Lakewood.
רבים צריכים לו