[ADVERTORIAL] Bring the Parsha to life for your children this week, with the most adorable cupcake pastry frogs. The frogs are only available at Gelbstein’s Bakery -available at both their locations.
They are located at 415 Clifton Avenue and 503 River Avenue. 732-363-3636
My kids wait all year for “the parsha with the frogs” so that we can enjoy these adorable (and yes tasty!!) Frogs! GO Gelbsteins!!!
I’ll stick to chulent.
#2 be careful
thats what made the frogs green
Please send some our way to NY Boro Park Willi Crown Heights Monsey New Square and of course Kiryas Yoil Monroe!
How much do they cost?
L67 Rocks so does Meir RL00
what if I would like them some other time of the year? Would they make them as a special order?
Thanx gelbsteins. & thanx R’ Yoili. Ur the best. DB.
Thank you to Shaya Tesser for all your hard work. There is nothing like walking in on a Friday afternoon and being greeted by Shaya and his world famous recommendations. He is a true askan.
Do they make a large frog with little frogs in it so the tatty could eat the big one and the kinder the small ones so joy and frog aroma fill the air?
Gelbsteins does it again… Shaya the askan , Yoel and Meir you guys all are a nachas to lkwd. And mrs.h. thanks for keeping it all together!! We heard about the frogs here in israel!!Hatzlacha to all!!
My goodness. We are talking about a frog. Calm down people.