FRIGHTENING – FIRST REPORT: Lakewood bus driver involved in road rage incident arrested for drunk driving with children on board

A Lakewood bus driver was arrested and charged for drunk driving while children were on board, police confirm to TLS.

Earlier this morning, just after 8:30 am, Officer Daniel Brooks, who was working an extra duty assignment in the area of Chestnut Street and Vermont Avenue, radioed in to headquarters that he was “out with two vehicles, one of which was a school bus with approximately 20 children on board, involved in a road rage incident.”

Officer Ralph Hatt and Christopher DiBiase were dispatched over to assist.

“While speaking to the operator of the school bus, 54 year old Angel Colon of Toms River, Officer Hatt detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath,” Detective Lt. Greg Staffordsmith said. “Colon was also described as having slurred speech and bloodshot eyes.”

Further investigation resulted in his arrest for Driving Under the Influence. In addition, Angel Colon was charged with the Endangering of a Children and is currently awaiting transport to the Ocean County Jail.

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  1. Is he a repeat offender? If yes, why is he even driving a bus full of kids?

    As per a 2011 article

    Angel Colon, a 47-year-old Manchester resident, was charged with DWI on Sept. 16 after being stopped by Ptl. Peter Manco on Route 571, according to police.

  2. Wow that is a scary story. I wish I can say that this is an isolated incident, but I do believe we need to properly train and retrain our drivers. All drivers besides a few bad apples are extremely good drivers and safe. However, I’ve seen way too many dangerous maneuvers by bus drivers in our town. Some of them including blowing a stop sign and driving onto shoulder at 45 MPH, to splash a puddle. I also witnessed a bus traveling from 13th to courtney without properly turning on to rt. 9 he just went straight. I have called one of the bus companies to complain and never got a response. I have some videos, which I haven’t published to to someone elses Parnasa. But drivers beware, one day a video will be taken that can result in losing your job and criminal action.

  3. In many areas of the US school bus drivers are expected blow into an alcohol breath analyzer prior to driving their routes. This is not expensive, nor is it time consuming. Just something to think about.

  4. I’ve had my share of Amazing bus drivers and a couple that were less so. But don’t go generalizing all bus drivers based on this article. They same way you wouldn’t want yourself generalized base on religion, race, or occupation.

  5. My kid was on that bus. Good work officers. We’ve had an uneasy feeling about this driver. Next time I’m not going to worry about hurting someone’s feelings. If you don’t like the sound if something, say something. Can’t be polite with children’s safety at risk.

  6. I’m sure if the scoop wanted to post the bus company and the school they would have…. So what’s the difference. If your kid was on there you know. If not its just gossip

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