Friday: No Busing for Private Schools

school bus traffic rt 9 2015 tlsDespite State requirements to provide bus transportation for private schools even through the holiday season, as in previous years, the schools will once again be forgoing the busing on X-mas. 

There will be no morning or afternoon busing on Friday. There will however be busing on New Years, officials say.

On Thanksgiving, the schools also agreed to forgo busing for one of the ways.

With X-mas on Friday this year, however, traffic is expected to be heavy during the afternoon run.


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  1. there is no reason for us to force non-jewish bus drivers, who celebrate Christmas, to drive the buses on their holiday. Agree with the decision 100%.

  2. May as well just cancel school since it is only for 2 hours anyways. By the time I return from my morning run it will be time to pick up the kids.

  3. No ones forcing the non-jewish drivers. Its part of the contract. I do agree that its a nice gesture on the part of the jewish community to give the drivers off. However for “some reason” it doesnt get coverage in the app etc

  4. The real issue is why this community lets the schools (especially girls) to get away with 2 hrs of school on fridays every week. 9:15-11:30am. Im not bothering to send my kid to school this friday.

  5. I grew up having English on Fridays. In the winter school ended at 2:00 and on the longer Fridays we had a full day of school, until 3:45.
    Fridays here are a joke.

  6. @yep the message your sending is poor. Are u suggesting just take the day off? Only two hours school not important? Your to lazy to get them there? Millions of yids never had a chance or lives were cut short and never had that experience of going to school. Send the message that every minute is of value. If not for your sake or your kids sake, or for the sake of
    Klal Yisroel . These kids go to school for all the kids that never had a chance. The guys that learn at BMG are doing for all those boys that never had a chance.

  7. If the school forgoes my bus service (which is wrong on their part as it should be my decision as it is my entitlement & not theirs) than they have no right to criticize those that keep their kids home

  8. why cant they get frum drivers for friday? It would be IMMENSLY helpful. The traffic is going to be a nightmare. fridays in general are real traffic jams especially on the way home: not just the busses but just general traffic on these short fridays. Drive with extreme caution tomorrow

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