Freezing Car? 24 Hours Left for the Exclusive CSO Radio Deal: $50 off a Car Starter; Plus Free Ice Scraper Mit for First 20 Customers

starterA hot deal for a freezing day! This exclusive CSO Radio deal expires at 9:30 AM tomorrow, Wednesday.

CSO Radio (located in the former Shoprite plaza) is offering $50 off remote starters, so you don’t have to go another day getting into and shivering in your freezing car.

Plus, the first 20 customers will receive an ice scraper mit, so you don’t freeze your hands while scraping the ice off your windshield.

ice scraperCelebrating a birthday or anniversary? These items make for great gift ideas too.

Call CSO Radio at 732-942-1101 today to book your appointment and get your starter installed before the next snow.

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