Former NJ Governor Chris Christie eyes possible 2024 presidential run

Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says he’s open to the possibility of running for president in 2024.

Christie, a Republican, made the announcement during recent interviews when asked about his 2024 plans.

The former governor, who ran unsuccessfully for president in 2016, declined to rule out the possibility of running against President Trump, if he ultimately decides to mount a bid for a second term in the White House.

Trump responded to the comments made by Christie by sharing a tweet that said “The American people only want President Trump!”

President Trump continues to allege massive and widespread fraud in the November 3rd presidential election. However, the odds of him retaining his position as President of the United States has dwindled as his legal team’s attempts to have the election overturned continue being rebuffed in court.

A last-ditch effort to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat will take place when Congress officially tallies the electoral college results on January 6th. Multiple House Republican are planning to challenge the electors from a number of swing states.


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  1. This morbidly obese backstabbing creep has a snowball’s chance in hades of becoming commander-in-chief of the United States of America! Maybe doughnut eating champion!

  2. There are 75 million Trump voters who will stay home rather than vote for Chris Christie, fair weather friend and more recently treacherous enemy of Mr. Trump.

  3. It is interesting that the bonber was column A Voter and everyone say BLM and Anifa are terrorist! Double standard! Oh let not forget the Proud Boys there upstandiing citizen too! SMH Let see if Fox and 77- Am says anthing!!!!

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