Statement from Governor Christie: “It is with great sadness that I inform all New Jerseyans that Governor Brendan T. Byrne has died today. Governor Byrne was 93 years old.
Governor Byrne had an extraordinary career of public service. He served as counsel to Governor Meyner, Deputy Attorney General, Essex County Prosecutor, Superior Court Judge and two-term Governor of New Jersey. He did each of those jobs with integrity, honesty, intelligence, wit and flair. He cared deeply for the state’s environment, led the charge for the development of the Meadowlands Complex and for the establishment of casino gaming in Atlantic City.
He served his country in World War II and went on to graduate from Princeton University and Harvard Law School.
He was the proud father of seven children and was a treasure to his home state where, in 2011, he was inducted into the New Jersey Hall of Fame.
On a personal note, Mary Pat and I express our deepest condolences to his wife Ruthie and his entire family. I considered Governor Byrne a mentor and a friend. My life is richer for having known him as I am sure are the lives of every person who had the privilege to meet him.
We ask all New Jerseyans to put Governor Byrne and his family in your prayers tonight.”
A great man indeed !
a great governor.He helped the Lakewood community tremendously.. He also gets the credit for extending rt. 195 so that all us Lakewooders can get onto the Parkway from 195 by using Squankum Road. Until then we would have to go to Bricktown to get onto the Parkway.